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Dashboard shows Total Distance x 1000 when distance is less than 1km

Andrew Heard shared this problem 7 years ago
Not a Problem

When I have recorded less than 1km the dashboard is incorrectly displaying the distance as kilometres instead of metres. For example if I have ridden 267.4 metres the dashboard is displaying 267.4 kilometres. It is correct after 1km has been recorded.

Below is track recording panel with correct distance:


Below is main screen with dashboard overlay including Total Distance field and wrong distance:


I'll say again, once 1+km is recorded the dashboard value is correctly displayed.

I've attached my dashboard file, but can't see how any settings could result in this.

Replies (6)


Hello Andrew,

ehm ... I'm testing, checking ... all is fine in Locus.

Then I try your dashboard in "Edit mode" and ... why you had defined into one field "distance value" and into second field you manually wrote "km"? :)



Yes, sure. I hope you can see my intention - all the text units line up nicely with their fields, and provide more information than just simple unit. For example there is no other way to distinguish the average (moving and total) fields (both km/h), or the altitude and ascent fields (both m). So you are saying that the distance fields auto-change units between metres and kilometres, but the average fields (moving and total) do not auto-change units between metres/hour and km/h.

Maybe in these field properties there are two extra settings:

  • #decimals , default 1
  • units droplist [km/ m/ auto], default auto


Good evening Andrew, I'm sorry, but I don't understand your point here. Average speed has units defined in your Locus settings, so they are m/s or km/h, there is nothing like m/h possible.

If you care about units, you may enable to let Locus display them, like



Thanks Menion. Yes I started like that, but the units, for me, are a waste of valuable screen space. I don't need to know speed or average units is km/h, or distance units is km. But I do need to distinguish between fields having same units, as explained. No worries.


Oki, I understand that. But logically you can expect, that simple text field with value "km", will be considered as units for distance field laying on the left and changing it's text. Simple text field is just text field with static text, nothing more, sorry.


Yes, fully understand that too. And if the field didn't auto change units (km <>m) then it wouldn't be a problem. I'll live with it. In the screen cap the static text looks huge, but on actual phone/ sunlight/ lowest brightness the text is about as small as possible and still visible to distinguish fields with same units.

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