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Disapearing tracks after update

Peter b shared this problem 10 years ago

After almost every app update my tracks and points have disapeared. Either recorded or imported. No way to recover. Now I am barely using the app for track record when I know, that I loose them again. Backup to Dropbox doesnt work properly says track ecported, but it doesnt appear in my DB folder. Export to local folder is ok.

Whats wrong with the disapearing tracks after update ?

Replies (8)


Hello Peter, sorry to hear this.

Anyway this is unknown problem to me. Fact that you have problems with points and tracks should mean any problem with database file. These troubles happen only after update of app? When you close and after a while open Locus, no such problem happen?

What device are you using and what Android version is installed? Also do you use latest version of Locus? Is Locus installed on card or internal memory?


Thanks for response.

I am using Galaxy Note 3 Android 4.4.2...intalled in memory, and yes this occures only when Locus is automaticaly updated through Play store. Not on restart or else.

I am using Locus since its begining so I would exclude user fault too :))

Well, I thought this might be an common error. I am not sure when It started but I have this phone since a year and it repeats almost on every app update... maybe since this year. Before I had Galaxy S3 and didnt noticed any problems.



Hmm this is really weird, really never heard about such issue.

Locus store it's points and tracks in two database files. In Locus/data/database directory on your card. May you before update, do backup of this directory (or use Backup manager and do full backup).

After update, check if files are same, untouched.

Are you enough experienced to do this? If not, please try to do at least full backup before update and full backup after update when points and tracks disappear again. If you share these two backup files with me, I may check what happen.

You may also try to create a log right after you firstly start Locus after update. How to do this is wrote here: . In log should be some useful information, what happen with databases right after first start after update. Thanks


I am an advanced user.

Well in my case it looks like the database files were reseted/deleted by every update. Currently i have 1 recorded tracklog...that corresponds to the tracks.db file 68.00KB 2014/12/28 .... Before the last update I had at least 4-5 recorded and some importef tracklogs.

I noticed this error earlier and as workaround I export every recorded track to Dropbox right after I finish the hike. But I want to have some imported tracks used for orientation in the device and they disapear too and I have to import them again and again :)) Otherwise great piece of software- has evolved by the time.

Other thing is I never knew when an update was comming , but unchecked " auto update" now so I can prepare for it next time. Lets see what happens.

I let you know about it....send you a log eventually

Thanks. Peter.


Perfect Peter, thanks too. This is really a mystery.

Btw. are you using some official ROM or any alternative? Also is Locus the only app that has such troubles with database?


Yes all stock. Official ROM, no root or other modification. And I never had other similar problems - disapearing files folders or so.


Oki thanks. This is probably more a problem of some internal error with work with database. I already read that in some cases of "error" in communication with database file, Android deleted this file! Mystery for me is, why this happen only after update and not during common usage. Anyway we will see in the end of month, when update is planned (expect last week in Jan or first in Feb).


.... okrem iného tu čítam aj ďalšie komentáre a vidím odpovede česky. .. a ja somár tu vypisujem anglicky. :) vedel som, že developer je nejaký výhodný blok, ale nikdy som si nevšimol, že ste "náš" :))


Hmm jop, jsem :). No ona ta angličtina je tady obecně lepší (přestože občas celkem vtipná, když se dva krajané snaží lámanou angličtinou domluvit), protože se často přidají jiní uživatetelé s podobným problémem a kolikrát i zachrání situaci :).


Este jedna vec, už dlhšie som rozmýšľal nad platenou verziou, keďže Locus využívam pomerne často, doteraz mi stačila aj free, ale myslím, že promptne reakcie a kvalitný support si zaslúžia odmenu. .. takže kupujem :)



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