display itinerary and map side-by-side --> simulation mode

Andrew Heard shared this idea 9 years ago
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At present the navigation itinerary list takes up most of the display, so it is not useful to tap each item and view those navigation waypoints on the map, continually switching between list and map. What would be very useful for reviewing the navigation itinerary is a simulation mode, available on other leading GPS apps, where the itinerary takes up far less space, maybe just a forward/ reverse button with short description, then as each the right button is tapped the next navigation waypoint from the list is selected, and the map is nicely zoomed out (if necessary because next point wasn't visible), panned and zoomed back in to users original zoom level. So how is this different to just manually panning you may well ask - take a quick look at other apps to experience their itinerary simulation mode to get another answer.

Replies (3)


Good day Andrew,

I think you do not have to worry about using names of any other applications. So we are talking about simulation mode for example in Google Maps right? It looks quite nice and also sometimes usable.

I was also thinking about something similar some long time ago, but in the end I decided not to implement it, because of two main reasons:

1. usability - has this really positive effect on planning a trips?

2. speed of Locus itself - Locus is still far far away in redrawing map compare to Google Maps and some others. And I was worry, that such animation should be only disadvantage.

Situation is little bit different mainly in second step. So I have to say, why not. Anyway in your case, I suggest to improve naming of this idea, because on first look it is not obvious, what you want. So something like "Simulated navigation like in Google Maps" should be more obvious?


OK to name names I was thinking more like OsmAnd+ and HERE rather than GMaps. Especially the Android HERE app has a lovely simulation mode in which there is a bottom panel (same size as Locus track recording panel) that you can quickly drag (with momentum) left and right, and the map above then pans/ zooms in synchronization for each navigation waypoint. A quick "flick" will often move from 1st to last track point. So in terms of your #1 usability - certainly it could be argued that because Locus panning is so efficient the requirement for a simulation is not so necessary, I would agree. But the main goal is to efficiently review the planned trip has been correctly computed, the right roads have been chosen, without continual zoom out/ zoom in if the navpoints are far apart.


Another name: TrackNavigator.

- Navpoint to Navpoint jumps via the arrows..

- Navpoint name info panel (quick drag Left and Right).

Info panel drag let you quickly (re)set your position also on a common in/out trackpart.

Example: Not completing in/out drives and early return to start.

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