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Distance circles at the cursor

Stephan shared this question 6 years ago

I try to figure out, that the distance circles are not at the gps position but at the cursor. But I do not have a glue.

What I have to do?

Replies (3)


Hi Stephan,

EDIT based on Dmitry note: the distance circles "measure" distance around the cursor in case your device doesn't have GPS fix (the GPS indicator is white or orange). If your device has GPS fix (GPS indicator is green), then the distance circles measure distance from the actual GPS position of your device.


Hi Michal,

I asked the question, while playing around with the app. GPS was off since days. After your advice, I tried this things. I started GPS-simulation and switched off GPS-simulation. Than the distance circles were at the cursor.

So it did not work like described. Bug or accident, I do not know.


Hi Stephan,

and that's the thing - when something can't be simulated/repeated/recreated, it can't be adressed as a bug. I tested the issue with GPS off, with GPS on and then with GPS simulation and all works at it should:

best regards




May bethe described behavior was sometime ago or planned, because currently the distancecircles around the cursor only when GPS is turned off (indicator is white). Inany other case - around current position.

It wouldbe better if it worked the way Michal wrote …


Hi Dmitry, of course, you're right - I corrected my answer to Stephan. BTW why would you need distance circles around cursor when GPS position is fixed?


Hi Michal,

because sometimes i need to look at map not around current position (without stopping the track recording), and i n such cases i can't see map's scale. So, it would be helpful if the distance circles were around the cursor when the "follow the position" is unchecked


Map scale can be permanently visible at the bottom edge (Settings > Maps > Auxiliary graphics > Map scale > ON). Or, if you need to measure distance from your current GPS position to the cursor position, use "Cursor to position line" (the same settings category)


Yes, I know. But the distance circles are more useful than traditional linear scale, and no reason to see both together. I also use the "cursor for position line". This combination- circles from map center+cursor to position line looks optimal.

Moreover, if distance from cursor to GPS position is several km, the circles usually are useless(depends on scale), because they will not be visible or be visible only part of circle, without distance.


Hi Stephan,

did the conversation below help you to understand using distance circles? Please let me know.


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