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Double tap on icon of a point to open a file...

Micromegas shared this idea 8 years ago

Bonjour ;

Double tap onto the screen displays menu buttons...

I suggest :

- double tap displays menu button EXCEPT on the icon of a point ,

- if no attached file exist one tap or double tap opens Point Detail screen ;

- double tap on the icon of a point opens selected attached file if exist in attacment tab and if file is checked.

- in the menu of a file a toggled check is proposed to open it on double tap. Only one file could be checked, the last one checked.

That is to avoid 6 taps, today, to open a file...

I use to attach text or pdf file to the final point of a route where you can find informations for example about holiday cottage or hotel...

Anyway congratulations for your fantastic application !



Replies (1)


Good day Micromegas,

thank you for an idea. Unfortunately direct handling of point attachments from map screen is really specific task, no so usually used. I believe it may confuse many users, because it won't be clear what exactly happen in this situation.

I'm sorry, idea declined.

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