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Download Vector Map aborted

Stefan shared this problem 9 years ago

I purchased the Italy Vector Map. The download started, but 0,0 kb were transfered. I tried to resume the download several times, but it was always aborted.

I use Locus Pro version 3.11.3 on my Andriod. My internet connection is ok.

I hope you can give me a solutuion.


Replies (3)


Hello Stefan,

does Locus display any error message or does downloading hang on 0%? Could I also ask you for version of your android? There can be another reason - non default directory for vector maps. Have you changed the default location for vector maps via Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Default directories?

Thank you



Hello Petr,

there was no error message. Locus hang on 0%.

My android is 4.4.2 on Samsung S3 neo 16Gb.

I changed the Directory indeed, because I like to use the extern sd-card for map-storage.

Now I changed it back to standard directory and the download works correctly!

My assumption is, that Locus is not able to write on ext. sd-card.

So I transfered the downloaded map to ext. sd-card and changed the directory afterwards. This works.

Is my assumption right? If so, will Locus in future be able to write directly on extern sd-card?

Best regards




I already know about the sdcard limitations on android 4.4.2 and have the workaround for tile maps which I copy to the files directory on the sd and manually add to the mappool. Works well with maps I don't update otherwise I have to move them back to the device every time.

With vector maps that approach doesn't seem to work. I cant manually add them from the sd and I haven't tried Stefan's way of setting the default vectormapfolder to the sd yet. Is this the only way? Copying them is one thing but having to change the def dir every time I want to buy a new vector map is a nuisance. Any solution other than android 5 for vector maps?

thanks in advance




@Stefan Thank you for info, your steps are correct. There is whole article about complications with SDcard on Android 4.4 and Android 5.x Another posibility is solution C desctibed in mentioned article:

Unfortunately both solutions require manual copy of downloaded maps from internal memory to SD card. Unfortunately this is limItation of Android and we aren't able to fix it.

On the other side Android 5.x has new feature that enables to write data on the SDcard but the system is still very complicated.

@Hannes if you're on Android 5.x . Please create custom directory on the SD card. Move vector maps from folder locus/mapsVector to the new folder on the SDcard. Then start Locus > Menu > Settings > Miscellaneous > Default directories > mapsVector - change it to the mentioned folder. Android system should ask for permission. With this settings you can work with vector maps without any limitation. It also require Locus 3.11.0. Please give a try described solution.

Thank you



Hi Petr!

Thx for the info. Unfortunately I am on Android 4.4.2 as well.

I used the method Stefan mentioned and discovered that once I had set my default vector folder to the sd and then reset it to the device to dl another map the folder on my sd stayed in the mappool. This way i can leave the default vectorfolder on the device for downloading and then move the maps to sd and they will show up the same way it works with tile maps.

But simply adding the sd folder didnt work in the beginning. Obviously setting the def vector folder to sd once did the job

Its not the perfect solution but it works and i dont need to write to vector maps except for the initial download.

Locus is such a brilliant piece of software! I am discovering new things every day still. Such a pity google messed it up with those restrictions.

Thanks a lot


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