Easier offline search by GC code / duplicates

Geraod van Seltenmore shared this idea 9 years ago
Gathering feedback

It would be very useful to search duplicities by GC Code more easily directly from some context menu of appropriate geocache. For example from additional tool menu item on the right bottom corner when I open geocache details. Then display list of duplicities to work with them same way as with normal search results. Normally I have to remember GC Code and write it to regular search function of Locus.

Replies (4)


Good day Geraod,

please tell me why should some list of same caches in database (why you have them there), should be useful for more users?


Hello Menion, it is about cleaning of duplicities. Geocaches comes to the database from many sources. Online from geocaching4locus plugin and by different gpx files. It is useful for listings and logs from different times. Then there are duplicities in the database. When is geocache found, it is useful to clean all instances of that geocache from the database, because without it sometime in the future I could see some instances again on the map and forget it is already found.


Ah ok, so this idea is mainly about "search and clean duplicates", understand


Normally I am using Menu/ Preferences/ Miscellaneous/ Data import/ Check duplicates ticked on then there are no duplicates in database.

See here:



Me too, sometimes, I know it. But this topic is about cleaning of already existing duplicities (sometimes are temporary useful - data from different sources), not just preventing them.

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