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Edit track / Insert trackpoint in track

Wolfgang shared this idea 13 years ago

I would like to edit a track.

I make tracks (better: routes) by hand, trackpoint after trackpoint. This works fine with the function "Add new route & measure".

In addition I want to edit a track e.g. during a bike tour. With the help of the forum now I know how to relocate a trackpoint, but it`s not possible to insert a new trackpoint.

My idea is: When I select a point (e.g. Point 7) of a track I get a list of possible functions (i trackname, i Point 7, Guide On, Guide On reverse, Edit...). With an additional entry in this list "Insert Point" I`d like to insert a trackpoint between the actual point 7 and the previous point 6.

E.g. together with the Location-dialog (GPS, Map center, Pick on map...) or I relocate this new point with existing functions.

Maybe it`s not the most comfortable way to edit tracks - but it would help a lot.

best regards


Replies (37)


I suport this idea


I would prefer to edit existing routes (add points into the route) instead of tracks. But the idea of editing in the maps of Locus would be a usefull feature for me.


I also suport this idea ! (I had this proposal in the old forum)

But perhaps it`s not soooooo easy to fix !?





I`d also like this to work for the function that automatically makes the route follow roads. Currently when you edit a route locked to a road it only lets you make point to point edits. Also splitting and merging of routes would be useful as others have mentioned.


I`d like to see the same on routes too, please.

I have previously added that idea as separate topic talking about rubberband route planning


One function to add: cut track (for cutting track into two tracks from start track to cut position and from cut position to end track )


Hi Guys,

wanna hear some news?

just loaded track


but when you tap on it ....


and all these buttons are already working ;)


comments before will be some test version available are welcome (mainly texts itself, my English isn`t perfect as everyone already know)

EDIT: just for your info. `+` and `-` buttons aren`t for removing or adding points but for moving to next or previous point in track. I`m missing some icons :)


nice! another great step.


Great, looking forward to this.

Can you do the same for a route ?


locus do not see big difference between tracks and routes. Only difference is that route have some "more important (red dots on map) points" that are "attached" to some locations. So when you use for example "Split" feature, these points should be also correctly handled. So I`m saying, yes, why not ...

hm as I think about it, there should be problems with some values that are pre-computed like distances, times etc ... some testing will be required and we`ll see :)


a suggestion:

Use symbols -> and <- for moving between points and + and - to add and delete points

also maybe add a list view to show all points and have a functionality to split tracks and add/delete/move points (up/down within list) (perhaps also add points from POIs ?)


Huge applause! Thank you so very much for this! :-D


very great work!

with this feature i can repair some of my broken tracks. that was "produced" if i forgot to restart the recording timely after a break.


thanks for this feature!


:) fine, only suggest to all!!

MAKE TRACK BACKUP before editing. This feature works directly with database data so keep your default data safe ...


so, I`ll ask You for some time to check this new feature.

1. here is testing version:

(it`s Free version but work as a Pro for some days, enough for testing)

2. backup your Tracks database (there is not too big risk, but rather...)

3. I had to rewrote huge part of code that handle all these various hiding panels (track record, add new path, ...) so:

a) start of app should be a little bit faster

b) required memory has reduced around an 1MB (quite useful)

c) due to changes, there should be new problems, that some buttons on map screen (from these panels) may not work correctly etc., so be careful on everything wrong that happen

I was playing with it quite a lot, but more heads, more knows!


edit track overruled the "navigate to" now


overruled? You mean that when navigating is active, this system also display next panels on main screen? You`re right. I did some improvements on this so some handling with track that is currently used for navigation will not be possible


-navigate is not active

-old naviroute is visible

old Locusversion:

tapping an old naviroutepoint and select "navigation"


tapping an old naviroutepoint and select "navigation"

(the trackeditor pops up)

select the guide symbol

select "navigate"

close the trackeditor

not easy ;o) or i`m handle it wrong?


see clip in "my" dropbox...


thanks, everything clear ... improved


after a first quick look ...... maybe there should be a undo button to !?


undo is for loser

hehe - not take it seriously :D


undo?? no pleeeease :). There is already on every button question "Do you want ...", also now when you want to cut part of track, screen will look like this (screenshot). So map will zoom to part of track to delete, this part will also highlight and confirm buttons are on top ..


Ok, I agree undo is not necessary !

What i did at the very first quick look was to insert new point in a existing route.

And I was "standing" at the wrong point (so the new point become totally wrong), but now I recognize how easy it is to just delete the wrong point and try again !

For me it would be nice to have some kind of setting so I don,t need to select Location everytime.

You see when I insert a new point I "always" use "Pick on map"

BUT so far so good !

I have been waiting for a long time on the "Insert new Point" - feature ;-)

So again : WELL DONE !


Ok now I realize that I don`t need to delete the new point - just Edit and pick on map again ;-)


Just tried this and it`s really great!

Two annotations/wishes:

- As Zailor already mentioned "For me it would be nice to have some kind of setting so I don`t need to select Location everytime." I think this is quite similar to the existing feature "Quick add" in creating a new route. So it would be consistent to have this setting here, too.

- Even more: As you wrote we should backup our tracks I tried this during creation of a new dummy track and wondered why the described buttons didn`t appear. The feature described in this topic makes sense for "creating a new route" as well.

What do you think?


that is something I was looking for. great work.


Hi Menion,

I tried this feature now sometimes and find it really useful.

But when I add a point (either insert in the track or append at the end) I always find it awkward that the point which was selected before the point was added is still the selected point afterwards.

If find it more logical if the new point gets selected.

This is also more similar to the feature create a track.

Could you change this?


Hi Menion,

I initiated this thread 3 months ago. Last weeks I was in vacation and Locus was my most important app. Because of the roaming costs I used the vector maps - Perfect!!! Thanks for the application!

Because I "switched off the Internet" I didn`t recognize, that you implemented my idea. Now I`m back and I`m very happy with your implementation.You built a track editor from scatch - It`s far better than what I described. Thank you! It will help me a lot to change the routes during my tours.

Only a minor issue ... I agree with tommi62 when he writes: ...I find it more logical if the new point gets selected... Yes, that`s the same I thought when I investigated the new track editor.

Thanks to Menion and thanks to all who liked this idea!



you`ll not believe me, but this request is worst part on whole new track editor.

Anyway moving to new point added, but have small issue in case you`re adding new point by "Pick on map". Then map will be moved to new point but point will not be highlighted. You`ll see on your own (and maybe I`ll find solution also on this)

glad you all like it. I was little bit worried if system is not too much complicated. Seems it`s clear to all, nice ...


Hi Menion,

I have observed some strange behavior. When you click on a track you get the track edit menu (on the left) which features two arrows (triangles actually) to browse the next and previous point. These arrows work fine, but not when you are at the beginning of the track. Then depending on an actual track you get jumps from point 4 to 1, or pressing up arrow jumps from point 1 to point 2 and then back to point 1 ad infinitum. Or when you reach point one the arrows actually stop working at all.


I observe the same behaviour as you describe. This happens to me if I use a track with some points displayed in a small area of the screen. I do not observe it if the points are more apart e.g. achieved by higher zoom level.

But let`s wait what Menion means.


Another strange thing I observe: Sometimes if I touch the "i"-Button above the next/previous buttons, the browser opens. This happens often but not always if the first or last point of the track is gets highlighted.


system improved, so check next version. Should be better

about problem with opening HTML browser. It ̈s something that happen in locus maybe since begin :) Sorry, but still no idea why this happen :)


Adding points when creating a new route is very simple: select location on map then tap add button. the current point is the last one. Tapping the delete button remove the last point. Why adding or removing points on an existing route is not done the same way ? The only difference is that the current point is not the last one, but can be any previously chosen point on the route. This is the way it`s done on Google Earth for example.


Wow, that's quite a big improvement to route creation when I first tried it (and never used it again because it was so cumbersome). Now, I think of creating all routes in Locus instead on the PC :-)

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