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Export format compatible with HRV analysis

blahdi shared this question 6 years ago

I am using Locusmap Pro when cycling/hiking with a Wahoo Tickr X strap for heart rate monitoring. Locusmap pro is configured to automatically upload track to RunAnalyze.

This heart rate capture and export approach is working, but I am not getting HRV analysis in RunAnalyze.

RunAnalyze documentation says HRV analysis is available in FIT files from Garmin.

I just read that the recent Beta release of Locusmap supports export in FIT format.

Does this mean HRV work in the Beta release if I use FIT format or will it also work with RunAnalyze?

Replies (2)


Good day blahdi,

FIT support is really new and needs some more testing. Anyway yes, it should be possible to switch from TCX to FIT for exports to Runalyze web. It is possible to upload FIT files manually here? If so, you may give a try if manually exported FIT files from Locus Map works correctly. New public version with this feature will be out most probably within next 14 days.



it is possible to upload FIT files manually to Runalyze.

If anyone has a sample FIT file generated by Locus map Beta with HR data, I can upload it and test if there are any issues on Locusmap side. This way we don't need to wait for 14 days to find out. LMK.


Hi Menion,

Will FIT file generated by Locusmap store HRV data if the Heart rate monitor provides this information?

This is the FIT SDK - and HRV is a separate record type.


i have already run into another case where a FIT file did not contain HRV data. Not all FIT files work with HRV - the FIT file needs to have HRV records as per the standard.


I exported the same track in Locusmaps in multiple formats - GPX and TCX file formats and looked at the output file.

I could find one file that contains all four (Location, Heart rate, Calories, HRV) which are useful for analyzing runs. I understand GPS provides location, and Wahoo HR strap provides the other three in realtime.

Here is the outcome of the research:

GPX - NOT-Contains=Calories, HRV, Contains=Location, HeartRate

TCX - activity - NOT-Contains=Location, HRV, Contains=Calories, HeartRate.

TCX - course - NOT Contains=Calories, HeartRate, HRV, Contains=Location

Does FIT format contain all four?

Is it possible to include all four elements in one file format GPX or TCX -activity or TCX-course file format (as per standards)?.



ah I was wrong sorry. I thought that HRV you talk means "Heart Rate Value".

"Heart rate variability" is not supported in Locus Map and as you correctly found, it is not exported to any of file formats and also not into FIT files.

Sorry for confusion.



Got that- thanks!

Then, lets Ignore HRV for a moment. Can we make sure one of these exported files has ALL three (Location, Heart rate, Calories)? And, they are included in the direct export to Runtastic and Strava.

That would really help.


context: this is for the case when the HR strap sends the calories information to Locusmap - wahoo tickr x, mostly likely does send it (as per internet search).


Good afternoon,

it depends on what you expect. Calories are currently inserted only into TCX files. Calories value is computed by Locus Map itself based on known heart rate values or just speed & activity type (+ personal information). Other currently supported file formats do not support this value.

About "location" ... if we talk about recorder track points, they are definitely in all formats.

"Heart rate" values are then supported by GPX, TCX and FIT formats.

So generally, all these values should be stored correctly in TCX files. FIT should now also support heart rate + locations values.



Thanks to your explanations and the online research I have understood the issue more clearly.

Here is what I am looking for or problem statement "One single file that contains both 'heath tracking' and GPS info. TCX format has this, but there is a gap --> I read that the HR strap provides better health information (e.g. calories) than any software can calculate, but the calorie value that is provided by HR strap is not included in the files that contain GPS information.


Possible Solution: Include calorie information provided by HR Strap in TCX-activity format or FIT format?

Does this clarify the expectations, describe the exact gap and possible solution?



Unfortunately, this may be 1) quite a lot of time because no other values then HR are currently supported by HR belts and some one-time parameter with calories? I have no idea how to deal with it and 2) Locus itself compute own calories data, so this would also need to rewrite the current system and support such values from external sensor.

Sorry, what you need won't be supported. Thanks for understanding.



makes sense. thank u Menion!


I'll add this question:

here, as it deals with RR (heart rate variability), too

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