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Feature request around navigation

Marius Moldovan shared this question 8 years ago

1.When I navigate an imported track(.gpx) and I'm not yet at the actual location(near the track) ...the position of the actual track on the map is not displayed(despite the fact that I marked all to be visible on the map--the eye sign--), only the navigation to the start of the track is displayed. It would be very usefull to also see the actual track form on the map, beside the roads to the start of the track.

2.I have a feature request:

When navigating to a destination, the big arrow in the left displays the distance to the first point where the change in direction is needed. Could you also implement in this same arrow box(smaller font) to be displayed the time needed to reach this first point?You could take into consideration for this,the average moving speed for the last 15 minutes or so..

Replies (9)



1. could you please provide a screenshot of the situation? We can't simulate your problem.

2. you can turn the "time to next junction" figure in the field next to the "arrow" box - tap the field and select from the roll-out


Yes Michal I know that in the 2 small fields on the right of the big arrow I can configure them to display even the time to next junction, but I had them configured to display Distance to destination and Time to destination.I need these 2 fields to be displayed, but I suggested that IN the big arrow(below the distance to next junction to also be displayed Time to next junction..There is plenty of room wasted in this big arrow and I think it is better to have more information in the same screen.


Hi Marius,

the arrow box is so big because it displays the most important information - where to turn next. However, it is not big enough to display another information - Locus Map is primarily an outdoor navigation and the phone is often mounted on shaking bike handlebar - no tiny text in the arrow box would be legible.


The distance to next junction has the numbers on one field and on the field bellow it , it has only m (from meters) .If you put the m (or km ) on the same field with the numbers , then on the field bellow you can put the Time to next junction... and the font displeyd it will be at least just as big as the font that it is already used now for the other small boxes to the right of the ""ärrow"" (e.g Time to destination and Distance to destination which are already small fonts)


Good day Marius,

sorry, this is not possible.

In next version of Locus Map, this panel will be already modified to this version: and I completely agree with Michal response above.

Thanks for understanding.


OK Menion, that's it.....You're the boss :)

What about my problem with a previous track being navigated and it is not displayed anymore on the map> I set Brouter navigation engine and the actual gps position is some kilometers away from the track


This is the video of problem


Thanks for a video.

You have started navigation from point A to B. Locus take your current location and start navigation. Seems that your current location is more then 180km away from track, so Locus perform recalculation and navigate you from current location to B.

Solutions are to a) disable GPS in Locus Map, b) disable automatic recalculation


OK.. here are 2 more videos:

One shows that I begin navigation 60-70 m away from the track and the same happens(it recalculates and the track dissapear from the map)

The other one I tried to disable gps from locus but the same happens

Anyway I do not want to put autorecalculate OFF, because if I'm 15 km away from the beggining of the actual track...I want to be recalculated if I miss some road/path or I take some shortcut.


Locus recalculates the way to the target - change the recalculation priority to "route" (navigation > automatic recalculation > route priority)


Hello Michal,

I have just changed the recalculation priority to "route" (navigation > automatic recalculation > route priority) but it has exactly the same behaviour: my track is not visible anymore on the map and Locus recalculate the track directly to the end point.

Something I do not understand here: I have my track set to be displayed on the map. It should not matter if I choose the track to be navigated...After all it is only a track from my collection, It should always be visible on the map, exactly like other tracks I have displayed on the map from the database

It should not matter if Locus recalculates the navigation to the end point of it or not, this track should be Always visible on the map if I choosed the "eye" symbol for it.

I cannot explore the relations of the track to the surrounding area if I choosed to navigate the track.I'm forced to stop navigation,look at the track and then put navigation again..if you understand my point :(


Route priority means that Locus recalculates your way to the nearest accessible point of the original route. Try a different one, longer - it'll work. By the way, I can see your point - the route shouldn't disappear when navigated/recalculated - I informed Menion about it.


Good day Marius,

thank you for additional videos.

I see one different point of view on track selected for navigation. Locus Map consider selected track as a way, how to get to target. If you enable recalculation and new track is computed (by the way, you have selected really really low distance for recalculation. Because of this, Locus Map compute track for even a 70m! which is not recommended because of GPS accuracy), this new track define new way to your target. Previous track is not needed anymore. If you would like to stick with original track, disable recalculation. If you really need to see original track on map even with enabled recalculation, just create and display copy of this track. I have no better solution for you. Btw. suggested "Route priority" by Michal should work, maybe your track is really just too short. And last note ... in next version, Locus Map will recalculate to start point of track in case, you not yet pass it. It may helps in your case here.


Thanks Menion for the tips.

I want to ask what is wrong with 30 m distance for auto-recalculation of route? If I'm on my bike in a city and I need to navigate to target..and I miss some road., I need Locus to recalculate as soon as possible to the new route(there are cross-roads every 15 meters even).If I set to 150 m recalculation..I will miss many cross-roads and streets till Locus recalculates.What is the best practice?

About "Route priority" I think the problem is not with the lenght of the track.I will post another video to exemplify.

I think that recalculation and disappearing of the track has much to do with the fact that most my tracks are round-circuits where the start point is near the end point of the route, despite the track can have 15 km.


Hello, in city it is even worst. GPS accuracy in city is a lot worst because of buildings, then on open space. So with 30m, you should get recalculation quite often.

Problem with lower values are, that Locus currently detect if recalculation is needed only by change of coordinates. It should be better to also use orientation by sensors to detect current movement, but it do not happen now.

Before some more tests, please wait on next Locus Map version this/maybe start of next week. There were some changes in recalculation system so it may helps. If "route priority" won't work with next version, write me, attach me some sample GPX track and I'll for sure check if more precisely. Thanks for understanding.


When navigate the track from proximity(close distance) , situation is OK now ,Locus guides me to the Start of the track.

With the new version of Locus, situation is unchanged when I try to navigate to the track from some distance away (700 meters or 190 km away) . Even if I choose Route priority , or even No automatic recalculation in Navigation options, Locus routes me to the End point of the track to be navigated, and NOT to the Start point of the track.

From my point of view, if i choose to navigate a track(.gpx) , Locus should stick as close as possible to the shape of the track,bringing me to the closest point beginning from the Start point of the track.

If I just wanted to get quick to the End of the track,I can navigate directly to the End point(choose the position on the map --as waypoint-- of the End point of track and locus would bring me there), but if I navigate a track, then I want to follow as close as possible from the Start to the end.

Also when locus says "calculating" there is an error message sometimes : "target island detected for section 0"...

I attach 2 tracks for you to verify

For the last track 09.10.2016 when navigating with route priority , locus says "to-position not mapped in existing datafile" ..What does it mean?



when you want to be navigated to the START of the route from some distance, don't use navigation along the route but select just the starting point (tap the route, select trackpoint 1, create a new point there and select "navigate to"). Otherwise Locus will calculate your way to the nearest point of the route. When you're on the route and want to be navigated along it, set you autorecalculation on the route priority - this way Locus will try to keep you on the route, i.e. to the nearest available routepoint and not to the target point.

The announcements you mention are related to the used routing engine.


I used only Brouter engine...still don't figure out what could be meaning these 2 error messages I receive.

I understand you Michal that I can make a waypoint out of the trackpoint 1 and navigate to this ..but I think the process of navigation to the track should be simpler(no other actions needed).My thinking is the other way out: if I choose No autorecalculation and begin navigation to the should bring me to the Start point of the track and navigate from there.

What is wrong with this approach? Would it broke some of the functionality of locus if it works this way?

I do not need to take further steps to make waypoint out of the first trackpoint..

For route priority maybe not ..but for No autorecalculation..I want my route to follow exactly the track from the start

The same is with Guidance takes me to the End point of the track.

Thanks for your patience,


Hi Marius,

Following this with a very big interest of coarse.

As in actual version, I want to keep the flexibility to (re)join a navigation track from any position near (along) a navtrack. And I prefer to be navigated to a closest forward Priority_Point using auto recalculate function to Priority_Points. The Priority_Points represented by the encircled dot in the Navigation button. Or Start_Point, Locus Via_Point, the Info_Points (have free name, desc and symbol) and Final_Point.

So Marius you have to understand I do not like the obligation to be forced to be navigated to the start of any navigation track.

And I agree with answer and solution by Michal. Start a 'Navigate to" the Start_POINT, and when arrived, then start the navtrack navigation.

However If I understand you correctly I think what you are asking is actually not possible in Locus. It seems that what you need or want is: Strict Navigation in perfect order to the (Must_Pass) Priority_Points, in cooperation with the auto recalculate function to Priority_Points ?

Or very different with existing Locus Strict Navigation to trkpt's because not supposed to cooperate with any auto recalculate function.

If so, you should generate such as "New Idea" in Locus help desk, wait for +votes, and a final agreement with developer for implementation.


Both messages are from BRouter.

"target island detected for section 0" means the target area is not accessible via routing, because of missing OSM roads or road restrictions.

"to-position not mapped in existing datafile" is similar, with meaning there is no routable way close to the target, again because of missing OSM roads or road restrictions.

Consider using a profile without such restrictions, like e.g. car profile with allowed unpaved ways. Or, if the track is not following OSM ways, the recalculation via navigation routing services has to be avoided.


Thank for the info


Thank you 0709 for the time to explain me.

It seems you are wright: I would like the best from the both worlds: Strict Navigation in perfect order to the (Must_Pass) Priority_Points, in cooperation with the auto recalculate function to Priority_Points

But I will not start "New Idea" in Locus help desk because I already know what menion and the rest of the team is thinking about it.

So I think I remain at Michal solution now.


Hi Marius,

to sum it up, Locus knows just two kinds of navigation - 1) navigation TO a point (route to the point is calculated by a routing service) and 2) navigation ALONG a route (route is ready-made - clicked/drawn/planned by the user in Locus or imported from somewhere else outside Locus). So if you are 2 kms from your route and tell Locus "navigate me along it", Locus directs you to the nearest routepoint of the route - either by guidance (a simple beeline) or navigation (the way to the nearest routepoint is calculated along available roads in OSM dataset).

Which means:

Locus does not know navigation TO a route - no one (except you) has ever wanted us to implement such a thing. However, Locus is so complex that it offers a whole range of workarounds how to achieve even the strangest wishes of its users ;) I mentioned one of them. Good luck :)


Hello Michal,

All right.Problem solved..

I took your advice, thank you

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