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Filter heart-rate monitor data for buggy sensors (at least 0 value)

Pavel Moravec shared this problem 9 years ago

Hello Menion,

some data from BT 4.0 HRMs obtained by Locus are invalid. I don't know if its due to repeated connecting/disconnecting to the HRM strap or it is a bug in given sensor firmware, bad contact with the skin, etc., but the heart rate is sometimes reported as 0 (for example the cheap CooSpo HRM sensor from eBay/DX) does this. But Locus just records this value in graph.

Would it be possible to:

- retry the reading in such case (but I don't know if this will help)?

- ignore 0 values, e.g. replacing them with "null data" in the graph (i.e. do not create the data point in graph in this case) - they are already ignored when exporting the GPX?

- ideally provide a setting of permitted HRM values (min/max) which should be recorded?

Best regards

Pavel Moravec

Replies (5)


Good day Pavel,

thanks for your report. I was thinking already about fixing this problem (that happen to me as well), but had other tasks to do and always forget on this one.

So invalid values for all sensor data will be no longer drawn in charts.

I do not anyway understand your last point - "provide a setting of permitted HRM values (min/max) which should be recorded"? You mean just define some default value that will be set instead of invalid value?


No, I was thinking about a range of reasonable values, otherwise treat the data as invalid

[CZ] Ahoj Menione, myslel jsem to tak, mít tam možnost zadání rozsahu, které hodnoty považovat za platné (tj. třeba 20 BPM bude asi nesmysl stejně jako 0 a 250 BPM). Ale to byla spíše taková úvaha na okraj, rozhodně to tam být nemusí.


Ah, interesting idea. I think it is doable. Anyway let's see how helps change I made. If there will be need for more "filtering", we may discuss about this option as well. I may imagine this as optional settings in config.file, pre-set to some clever values (like HRM 40 - 220 or something like this).


Exactly, most users won't have to touch this and it may not be needed since the biggest problem were the 0 values anyway.


Hi Menion, have there been implementations regarding the filter, cause I might be in "need for more filtering". This time for Cadence Sensors, cause mine is sometimes logging "-1" or when reconnecting after pause something unrealistic like over "100000". Value Limits would be cool, cause one value over 1 Million changes your average cadence substantially.




Good day Manu, and may you please imagine values that I may define as valid? Bottom valid value may be set to 1, but highest valid value for "cadence"? I personally have no idea. Thanks


Yes, of course: Bottom valid value should be 0 (for when not pedaling), top value you can set to 400. Deeply appreciated. Thank you!


Thanks Manu, this "filter" implemented.

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