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Firefox Lockwise asks about saving password

franc shared this problem 5 years ago

When I edit a point I get often asked by Firefox Lockwise about saving the login.

But there is none.

This pop up is annoying and i cannot stop it in Lockwise.

Is there some hidden field in the point description where Lockwise could think there is any login?


Xiaomi mi a1 with Android 9.0 and actual Locus pro 3.42

Replies (7)


Blocks the edit area, when editing the point description field. I have to press back every time.


Helo franc,

interesting problem, unfortunately, I have no idea how to help here.

In Android, you may define type of the edit field and in case of description, there is defined "text|textMultiLine|textLongMessage", so nothing un-usual and nothing that says that this field is "password". Same with other fields on this page.

So sorry, hopefully, some of the future updates of your Firefox app fix this.



Thanks. So you cannot reproduce it?

I asked it to the Lockwise developers now. If I get an answer I will push it here.


Hello franc,

I did not tried to reproduce because I do not use this Firefox tool. I just checked if this "Description" field has something un-usual set, some special parameter and nothing, it is all same as for other fields on this screen. I personally use LastPass tool also on Android that also allows auto-fill of some password fields in all apps and never had a problem in Locus Map with it.

Thanks for asking on Lockwise forum, let me know if something new appears.



Since yet no answer. But it is too annyoing to wait. So I uninstalled it.

If they ever answer, I will try to locate the problem, if they help. Otherwise I forget about that App, it is since yet anyways not so useful. Not much developed yet. Maybe it will get better once.

Will have a look to LastPass then...

Thanks a lot!


They just answered now, the support there is good. Unfortunately not solvable, its an issue:

We've filed an issue for this, and our team is currently working on resolving it.

Unfortunately, we don't have a work around for the issue at this time, so as recommended in the Locus Maps post, it may be useful to use a different password manager for now. 

Thank you!

So I uninstalled it. Don't need that anyway.



Hello frank,

thank you for the additional info. I'm curious about what problem may be in the Firefox app :). Anyway, let's consider as solved.


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