Geocaching and Wear for Locus

Jan-Gerard van der Toorn shared this idea 6 years ago
Gathering feedback


What are the possibilities for geocaching with Wear for Locus? Is it possible to show hints, images, etc.? And switch to next waypoints or next geocaches from the watch? I'd like to be able to keep my smartphone in my backpack most of the time and only use my watch to navigate.

I'm considering buying a (used) smartwatch instead of a new GPS watch if Locus gives me much more functionality.

Best regards Jan-Gerard van der Toorn

Replies (3)



currently there is practically no integration with geocaching in Wear for Locus Map. The caches are displayed on the map though but they are not interactive in the way you would like to.

I have changed your question to the "idea" so that other people could vote for this functionality to see how many more people would also like this.

Best Regards



Hello Is there some development with Wear Os and geocaching functions since 6 years ? I understand the only feature available is to show geocaching points on the watch map. Is it still the only thing I can do if I buy a watch like the TicWatch 5 pro with new WearOs version ?

Does a watch with older Wear Os is enough if the Wear for Locus map still not support geocaching functions ?



This question was asked a few days ago. Please do not duplicate messages.
I would take an older watch. Samsung Galaxy Watch 4 Classig or 6. here the bezel can be turned. with gloves this is almost obligatory. but also otherwise great. You can zoom quickly.


Thanks and sorry for the duplicate. I wasn't sure if the reply is for Locus team or to the person who initiated the question. It's why I submitted a new ticket.

I understand with 5 votes, I can't expect development in the near future. ;-)


Someone recently posted a question on the Groundspeak forum asking if there was a good Wear app for geocaching, so there may be a larger market than otherwise indicated here. I was excited to install Locus on my Mobvoi Enduro. I was hoping in vain it would be as good as the Locus for Garmin app.

I have tried other options but don’t want to switch from Locus.

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