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GeoJSON imports greyed out

Bob Hawkins shared this problem 7 years ago

I read in the Locus Map Knowledge Base that GeoJSON files can be imported. I have two files with different extensions: 1. .geojson created from Overpass Turbo; 2. .json created from mapshaper. I have copied each into my 'phone at Internal storage\Locus\data\import and viewed the location at Tracks/Import. Both are greyed out, however. The files sizes are 37KB and 8KB, respectively.

Replies (1)


Good day Bob,

GEOJson format is not perfectly support and if in manual is information that you may simply import it, then it is not truth.

Anyway I may suggest to try to copy your files into Locus/mapItems directory and use "Items" system, where some content from geoJson files may be loaded correctly.

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