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Google services assisted location

SV Hovland shared this question 6 years ago

Can you explain what his new setting does in a detailed and technical way?

Replies (2)



this option is in Locus Map since version 3.30.4. It switches Fused Location Provider on - a service providing location calculated from data of all sensors in your device (GPS, gyro...) plus all available networks - wifi, GSM etc. (see more at We tested this option as default since 3.30.0 but unfortunately on some devices it is not reliable. Therefore, we moved it to settings section as an alternative. Its main benefit is stability - its processes are not killed by Android when running in background even if Locus is not excluded from battery optimization.


Hi there,

I´m using Locus with a Huawei P8 lite Android 5.0.1. (with no "killing process problems"!)

But there were allways GPS problemns especially, when moving too slow (by feet). Recorded Tracks had big jumps (to the next mobile network sender?)

First fix was to set GPS Settings to "only hardware": this prevents from jumps but leeves big gaps in records. And the setting returns to "high accuracy" when turning off and on GPS (or the device)

Second fix (and this works very well for recording bycicle tracks) is using the GPS locker app. It seems to keep the GPS turned on, even if the system wants to stop it.

So for me it seems to have the risk of "jumps" using any kind of assited location. In case of loosing GPS-fix the calculated position may jump up to 10km.

So I don´t think "Google services assisted location" is the right way for me and I suggest to implement a function like "GPS Locker" into Locus.



Gaps in track recording are always caused by the device system killing Locus app or GPS ( or both) due to some version of batter saving. Huawei devices have the most aggressive system of all tested phones. Nevertheless, as our product survey and daily communication with many other Huawei users prove, use of Fused Location Provider helps signifficantly. Unfortunately, and I wrote it in my previous response, "...on some devices it (Google services assisted location) is not reliable". Maybe it's the case of your device too.

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