Google starred places in locus like favorites quick and direct

t.suisse shared this idea 13 years ago
Gathering feedback

starred places is easier and quicker than google my maps in Locus which is a powerfull option but can be easier and quicker with starred places while outdoors

Replies (3)


Great idea!


Locus should sync with the starred places in google, and will be very easy to define places on desktop and use it in the mobile.


Just wanted to bring this thread back to live.

I think it's a great idea to be able to either import or synchronise "my saved places" from google maps directly into locus.

I often browse google maps for interesting places especially when planning holidays, and save the locations in google maps. It's easier to browse google maps directly than via locus as it allows me to use any computer or smartphone to do so. Also when friends share their saved places with me, they'll most likely use google as well, hence it would be great if there was a way to see them automatically in locus.

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