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GPX files in locus?

Volker Helmers shared this question 7 years ago


how can I import .gpx files directly in locus-pro?

Replies (8)


Do you have them on your phone already?

Once you get them on you phone you should be able to tap the file. When it asks what to open it with select Locus.

It should open and import your track and give you the option to show it on the screen or save it.

Good Luck


Hi Dave,

yes, that should be easy once they are on the phone.

But NO, the files are not yet on my phone. I have downloaded gpx files from the internet on my desktop, but I cannot transfer them to my phone. Normally I do it using Bluetooth, but my iMac says "files not supported". Strange, any other files - no problem!

OK, this is MY problem, not a Locus problem. I'll have to find a way to get them on my phone.

Thanks anyway.


Hi again!

Heureka! I found a way! All files imported in Locus and everything is fine!

fyi: I just used email attachment to get the files on my gmail account on the phone.

So easy! :-))



maybe three other options:

(1.) ... put the GPX-files into a ZIP-file and try to transfer this file via the iMac to your phone. I believe Locus is able to import GPX-files stored in a ZIP-file, but I am not 100% sure.

(2.) ... rename the GPX-files in files that your iMac supports. Transfer these files to your phone and then rename these files back.

(3.) ... store the GPX-files on a USB-stick. Connect the USB-stick via OTG to your phone.if your phone can handle OTG, ....



You can put them in Google drive, or Dropbox on your computer then open them directly from inside Locus as described in freischneider's link.


Bluetooth (on Android) does not want to transfer .gpx files. I need to rename them to .txt and after the transfer rename them back to .gpx on my phone.


Great! Three users - three different ways to solve the problem (transfer gpx files). Interesting solutions!

Anyway, as mentioned before, I found "my way" to do it: sending them by email attachment to the phone. Btw, import to Locus was done automatically, when I opened the attachments. Easy way, right? Made me grin. :-))

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