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Guide on with distance info and estimated time in the map view.

ivo Nörenberg shared this idea 11 years ago

When Guide on is on, I would like to have a distance info and estimated time to target info box. The informations are already on the compass page but not on the Guide On side.

When I see the map I also want to have the distance info and estimated time.

Replies (12)


I found a function almost what I want but it works just for Guide On tracks not for Guide On POI. Please add Draw above/below guiding line info for Guide On to POI.


Hello ivo,

that`s what I wanted to suggest you. Are you sure it works just for a Guiding along track? I`m sure it have to work also on a waypoint. If not, it`s a bug


I just tried it again and now it works also for POI but I didn`t see the Draw below guiding line when I track a track or POI. Just distance above.


Can I save all my Locus settings to transfer my settings to another phone or tablet?


and what you want to see below guiding line?

To tranfer settings, just use menu > more > backup manager. This will generate zip file into Locus/backup directory that may be used to transfer settings to another device


I want to see time to arrival.


time to arrival is visible when you move. You need to have some "speed" to compute remaining time to arrival ...


Yes I discovered this today also. Another problem is, if I guide on to a POI the tracking line is mostly straight forward pointing away from me. In this case the numbers are in a 90° angle and difficult to read. I also don’t like to have them in the map that’s why I would prefer to have a little info box in the upper right corner of the map. So I have the numbers always horizontal and not in the center of the map.


Today I discovered that I can set up the first button of the top info bar as guide. I see distance and bearing. Please make it customizable so that I can set it up to travel time instead of bearing. I anyway follow the guide line.

If I start guide I get a button on the top left side under the top bar but even if I set up a guide button on the top right bar I still have the button on the left side under the top bar. Both button look identical why do I see than both? I would like to have the button which appear under the top bar inside the top bar.


button that appear in top left corner is just shortcut to current target. By long-click you may quickly end current guiding or by single click just check current target.

If you want to see more information on screen, I suggest to check feature called Dashboard, where you may define own visible fields on map screen


Thats a very nice feature and maybe it will help me in some situations but still I would like to see distance instance of bearing in the top bar when I use guide line.

If I have all informations I need in the top and lower bar I don`t need Dashboard and I have more overview on the map.

Is there a possibility to get rid of the button that appears in top left corner when I am using guide line? I just need it to stop guide line. Can you move the button to the top or lower bar? Please integrate the guide line button into the bar.


Today I was playing a bit around with the dashboard and it is almost doing what I want but it is gone after I exit and restart locus. So I have to reactivate the Dashboard every time again when I start Locus.

This way the dashboard make no sense for me. Please add a setting that the dashboard stays permanently on.

When I played around I also noticed that Locus crashes when I select a POI which is more far away than 99km for guide on. At least mostly.

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