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Guiding mode and sound notifications on next waypoint better explained

Bucky Kid shared this question 9 years ago

Hello, here I'd need to get some explanation how exactly sound notifications on guiding work.

I noticed that notification on next waypoint was recently renamed to notification on direction change. Does it have any impact on how sound notifications are issued?

Also the recent change of system of creating new track using routing service (computed waypoints aren't taken into account during guiding now?)

If having a track created using routing service and use guiding on it, I'm observing alot of waypoints aren't notified at all. Then it's quite mystery for me when exactly the sounds are made. Personally I'd prefer the old way when notification was issued on every waypoint regardless if manually added or computed.

One more question is about Settings->Guiding->Advanced settings->Notify on every waypoint option

Although I have it set ON, Locus doesn't behave so how I expect it would (ie. issue the preset notification on triggering any kind of waypoint on my route). Definitely despite this option I don't get notification on each single waypoint. What exactly is the difference of this option ON/OFF?

- Is the way of notifications during guiding different if used route contains or doesnot contain navigation commands?

On track created by joining two partial subtracks (first without navigation commands, second with navigation commands), I had used guiding all the time but from beginning I was hearing absolutely no notifications on moving along the route (too distant from track were working correct). But somewhere approximately where second subtrack (with navigation commmands) had started, the notifications on "next waypoint" were issued, unfortunately still not as frequently as expected.

Thanks for clarification!

Replies (3)


Hello Bucky Kid.

I suppose you want want (graphHopper) routing service, but (a lot) Navigation orders, so instructions based on trackshape ? Actual graphHopper (BETA) also sometimes "forget" to generate instructions at direction changes, so even at some important road junctions.

If you want old style guiding, a track without integrated Navpoints should be generated, saved, and reimported .

Example (graphHopper) "Navigate to": Select: New Navigation: Deselect "compute instructions". Or route design by routing service without Navpoints ! Select track and export (gpx) and than hide track.

Reimport the exported track and start guiding as usual. (Low, Medium, or High). Guidance: Set next trackpoint (60m). Set notification of the next direction change (on navpoint): Beep or text to speech.

As track does not contain Navpoints, Locus offers the internal generator service based on trackshape. Results in a lot (High) of navpoints instructions.

In Guidance: "advanced settings": If set "Notify on every trackpoint"

With a track not containing integrated Navpoints, notifications(beeps) are generated on every single trackpoint !


Hello 0709,

[quote]With a track not containing integrated Navpoints, notifications(beeps) are generated on every single trackpoint ![/quote]

That's what I was afraid of. Probably the process of unifying guidance and naviagtion already began. IMO the navigation should stay completely independent on navigation commands and guide purely by waypoints (no track shape analysis and no attempts to notify only on guessed direction changes). That's what I was guessing Notify on every trackpoint is for but in this case it loses sense (actually not notifying on every waypoint regardless of existin navigation commands)


Can I just clarify terminology. Seems Menion uses term "via point", is this the same as "navigation point" or navpoint? Best everyone tries to use same terms to avoid confusion.


@ Andrew. Agree about the common language problem.

Navpoint: "Special" waypoint, with directional instruction, exact position AND timestamp copy from a single, so "associated" trackpoint. In a .tcx course file, such a point in Garmin terminology is called a Coursepoint.

Viapoint: Indication point, a stop/start combination, used for the router to build up a track in several sections ? @Menion: corrrect ?

@Bucky. Q: What do you understand "guide purely by waypoints" ? Who, what system should deliver the guiding notifications ? In guiding, if set "notification on (every) trackpoint" is unchanged function as in previous versions. No ? In guiding: I observe with latest locus version more exact stable notification (and auto screen on/off) before each "navpoint". Nice notification (tts) 50 m before "navpoints", if set "60 m switch to next trackpoint".


Ah this is too confusing for me;)

I asked for clarification how Locus behaves if

- Notify on every waypoint is ON and guided track HAS hard saved navigation waypoints(commands)

- Notify on every waypoint is OFF and guided track HAS hard saved navigation waypoints

- Notify on every waypoint is ON and guided track has NOT hard saved navigation waypoints

- Notify on every waypoint is OFF and guided track has NOT hard saved navigation waypoints

From my experience once the track has at least 1 navigation waypoint the guided notifications are working only in the segment where navigation waypoints are, regardless on "Notify on every waypoint" option. Correct?

By "guide purely by waypoints" I understand issuing an sound notification each time a single waypoint (computed/manual) is triggered.


Too much questions and no clear answers :). Let start step by step

"Notify on every waypoint is ON and guided track HAS hard saved navigation waypoints(commands)"

If "set notification of the next direction" is enabled, then you should really get notification when you are a "Set next trackpoint" distance before every waypoint with navigation commands. This do not happen to you? Are you testing it in the field or only at home?


Hello menion,

[quote]waypoint with navigation commands[/quote]

That makes a sense. So in short if track has one or more navigation waypoints, the "next waypoint" notification ignores all except points with navigation command?

In my understanding the "Notify on every trackpoint" should make the difference -

if ON, next waypoint notification is made on truely every (not only navigation) waypoint

if OFF, next waypoint notification is made only on navigation waypoints

Yet please for explanation how the notifications behave if "Notify on every waypoint" is off and guided track contains navigation waypoints. Is the behaviour same?

Yet I needed to know if there's a way to force Locus notify "Next waypoint" on each kind of waypoint (computed, manual, navigation) if the track contains some navigation waypoints.

I was testing in the field. Thank you


Hmm ...

  • Waypoint - point with icon that is attached to track
  • Navigation waypoint - waypoint that has valid command for navigation (turn left, turn right, ...)
  • Point / Trackpoint - simple points from which is track created. Just a location, so no icon
  • Via point - it is a waypoint used for separating segments and is useful mainly for recalculate feature, where Locus recalculate from current GPS to not yet passed via point

If track has one or more navigation waypoints, the "next waypoint" notification ignores all except points with navigation command

- not sure if "ignores" is right word. Locusjust has noting to say on waypoint without command, so well ... "ignores".

Then, "Notify on every trackpoint" works really only when track has no! navigation waypoints. Then Locus really should notify on every single trackpoint.

Yet please for explanation how the notifications behave if "Notify on every waypoint" is off and guided track contains navigation waypoints. Is the behaviour same?

- Notify on every waypoint - you mean Set notification of the next direction change settings? Settings disabled = no notification. Simple.

Yet I needed to know if there's a way to force Locus notify "Next waypoint" on each kind of waypoint (computed, manual, navigation) if the track contains some navigation waypoints.

- each kind ... you mean something like a simple point created during track record, with attached photo? Then no. As I wrote, only a waypoints that has navigation commands. In latest version, Locus also notify on "via points".


Okay, thanks for partial clarifocation. I'm going to test more.


Does picture in attached pdf help to see the different meanings of all different "points" ? I hope so.

13.07.2015, 16:49: Edited by Menion, fixed incorrect attachment


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