Hiding route elements (on map and when tapping the area on the screen) and posting on FB

Alexander Hrncir shared this idea 9 years ago
Gathering feedback

as the title says. I want to post screenshots from my route on facebook, to ask who wants to come with me (geocaching). The dots are ugly. Also its annoying if you want to click a geocache, tons of points (way information, like "left" or "right" and so on, appear, if I just want to click the geocache.

Also I'd like to have a nice feature to share screens from Locus. Atm I have to go into my VM to make a nice Screenshot.

Sharing is always good, ... so locus gets more famous =) and if its beautiful, ppl will get more attracted =)

In the attachement you see how it looks now

This is how it looks on google (spoiler alert for geocachers) https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=zOvtJlFo_LA4.kKmEUKS2aMPM&usp=sharing =(

Love your work =)


Replies (2)


Hi Alexander

>Also I'd like to have a nice feature to share screens from Locus.<

do you know



=) Thanks Wolfgang

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