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Hill-shading is sometimes missing

myneur shared this problem 10 years ago

For some maps (Bergfex) the hill-shading is missing up to zoom 15. Only every other tile is shaded.

See screenshot, log and providers.xml. a9ce7a77d5b7cab5b8e16861765b7ac0

Replies (3)


Good day Myneur,

hmm one year old post. May you please check that with completely new hill shading since Locus 3.16.0, this problem is still there? If so, I'll like to get rid of it (fix it). Thank you!


It seems to work well now. Thank you.

When zoom-in/out, the initial tiles are wrong in a totally strange way as you see in the attachment, but it is quickly repainted by the online data, which are OK now. 0b3367d5206d4b274d78fd16bd60fc0a


Hmm interesting. "Bergfex" - these are some freely available maps? If so, I may test them and fix it if possible, otherwise, I'm sorry, as I know, that will all officially supported maps, shading works correctly. Thanks for understanding.


there is nothing to fix...

bergfex maps tiles includes hillshading. so Locus hillshades not need.

except for slopes - and this works ok...

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