Hillside Angel --> avalanche danger detection

Georg Ulbrich shared this idea 12 years ago
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I need the “hillside angel“. So when I click on a point on the map, I want

to know how steep the slope. That would be a great tool for the assessment

of avalanche danger in the mountains. It should be possible to compute it

on the contour lines and the distance between the contour lines very.

Replies (4)


"...when I click on a point on the map..."


a ponit is a point :)

maybe its possible when we can tap 2 points (from -> to)

..and we have offline / online data from this points.


See it a bit more mathematical, it`s pretty possible to calculate slope around a single point.


explain me please. maybe i`m thinking in the wrong way.


i know its old but. If you click a point that have elevation data, then its a straight forward calculation to find the steepest angle (or some other angle) between that point and the surrounding points, that way you get a modern slope-angle for avalanche terrain. This is now a map overlay in Locus - so this wish has been fulfilled.

But it would still be nice to choose to points and get info on the "line-of-sight" between these two points. To tell where the Sun or Moon will be over/below the horizon. Extremely interesting for fullmoon skiers as myself :) of course also avalaanche slope evaluation - runout zones and such...

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