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How can I set up Locus as standard app for navigation with TripAdvisor?

ivo Nörenberg shared this question 8 years ago

How can I set up Locus as standard app for navigation with TripAdvisor?

Now when I want to navigate to a restaurant in TripAdvisor, Google Maps will be opened to navigate to the restaurant. How can I set up Locus to do that?

Replies (1)


Good day Ivo,

as I quickly test "TripAdvisor", when I tap on any place that appear on internal map, tap on "directions" or distance value, ask "Open maps for directions? Cancel/OK" and when I choose "OK", in options is also Locus Map application. Same do not happen to you?


Yes but I pressed once Google Maps and now I would like to change it to Locus.


If you do not get this offer again, then you had to make Google Maps as default application for this kind of action.

To change is need to open system list of applications, find "Google Maps" and tap on "Clear default". Then you should see again offer of application as before. Hope it helps.


Yes that works. Thanks!


Priceless support. How good are the Locus team!


Strange, but it does not seem to work:

- in tripadvisor i see a searched point on the map

- i tap (top/left) on "navigate" and can choose locus from the list

- locus shows me the point on its map

- i tap the point, than "navigate to", "new navigation" with profiles opens in locus, i select a profile, tap on navigate, but the navigation does not start,

- it switches back to the tripadvisor map and shows me the point again as at the beginning

Am i missing something?


Good day nicky,

if I understand correctly, you follow these steps , and after you tap on vehicle icon (car, bike, ...) in top part of navigation screen, Locus Map opens back Tripadvisor application?


yes, exactly: i tap on a profle like "bike" or "walk" and the diamond arrow in the blue circle to start the navigation, but it does not start it, it simply switches back to tripadvisor and i see the tripadvisor map again with the selected point.

In "Osmand" the same thing works as it should, it does not switch back to tripadvisor.


Hmm I'm unable to find "navigate" button in TripAdvisor to test this as well. Anyway this sounds weird, because tap on "diamond" icon in Locus definitely starts navigation in Locus so I do not understand why this directly returns back to TripAdvisor. It sounds to me like this app incorrectly starts Locus Map. I'm anyway worried that I may do nothing with this. Sorry


TripAdvisor starting navigation: there is a green diamond arrow top/left when being on the tripadvisor map with a selected point.

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