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Show more infos in POI popup introduced in v3.4.0 or allow to customize infos

Georg D shared this idea 9 years ago

In v3.4.0 POI popup were introduced, screenshot e.g. They are cool, because I don't need any more move the map center cross onto the POI to see POI infos :) For non-geo-cashing-POIs, I only can see the name & altitude - that's even less information than the old "info on center cross-over", so not not as useful as it could be :(

=> Please show more information in the popup or enable users to customize the information displayed in the popup, e.g. the distance, folder name, description (, phone number, last update time, or the like. How can I do so? I didn't find anything in

Best Answer

So a main price for a best answer - won "gynta" with his , congratulation :).

And now seriously. It's exactly as CaptKaos2 wrote at begin - main purpose of this new popup was - simple and quick overview - not an advanced features.

Anyway, I wrote every single item you want to add to this side menu, on a paper. And was thinking about every of them. And all they are by me "unimportant" (do not speed up work a lot, are used very rarely or just in certain situations etc.), I strike though.

And result that remains and that is now already done (will work in next test version):

  • distance from current GPS location (if enabled)
  • time of track point (only in "edit mode")
  • new button "Show all waypoints/Hide all waypoints" for geocaching
  • new row with 5/10 last geocache logs (very nice and useful idea, thanks)

Nothing more, sorry guys. Keep in mind - simple and useful for all! Thanks

Replies (31)


Currently no customization is possible.

I want to keep this feature as simple as possible. Anyway if you want, improve text of question and I may change this topic to "Idea" so people may vote if more of them will be interested in this improvements.


Hmm maybe even better. Because mentioned topic point to popups that are currently on second row, I suggest to vote for mentioned topic. I should improve text inside to fix more new popup views.


Thanks for quick reply, changed into idea.


Sure you're welcome. So I've merged mentioned topic into this yours, as this one is more general.


Good idea, together with the full MBTiles support, Locus would become an even better solution for sharing offline thematic maps / data on the mobile.


I would like to ask this idea to be implemented for track points too. The time stamp of every track point of recorded track is one of the fundamental attribution and it should be very useful to show in popup.

Let me explain my use case.

I often want to know arrival time at certain places in the trip (for example, peaks while traversing mountains). In current Locus, there is no simple way to know time stamp of a track point of recorded track. 'Edit on map' of the track > track point's detail information screen have to be opened. It's not straightforward to invoke 'Edit on map' just only to know the time of a track point.


A couple of additions to the pop ups would make them really useful for planning caching trips.

1. In the menu - Add to folder.

2. In the information displayed, the type of the last 5 logs (smiles, frowns etc).


I agree with John, the last 5-10 logs would be very useful to instantly see if it´s likely that there is a problem with the cache.


I would like to have a pup-up action to show on map the additional waypoints of a geocache.

And after that, I would like to see the waypoint's name (description) on its pop-up.


For geocaching POIs it could be helpful to

1) update from the homepage

2) show spoiler pictures

3) show the additional waypoints

4) share with friends


My personal opinion is, the pop up as it stands has enough info for basic needs. All the items requested here are easily found by a tap on the pop up and going to the POI main page where full info is available.


CaptKaos2 wrote:

All the items requested here are easily found by a tap on the pop up and going to the POI main page where full info is available.
That's right, it's easy and existing, but why then introduce popups at all? Probably because they make maps "more interactive" and more responsive, e.g. at least on my phone, the popup opens & closes much quicker than the dialog/window, which sometimes takes considerable more than 2-3 seconds - it adds up when I'm searching something and thus opening it half or a dozen of times.


Or the waypoints could be always shown when the cache's pop-up is shown and disappear when the cache's pop-up vanishes.


My opinion on the pop up was to give some basic info that the moving the centre cross over the POI icon didn't show, maybe I'm wrong?

But for me, if that's is what it was meant to do,it achieves its task as is. I get info on Altitude, Difficulty. Terrain, Waypoints, size of cache and on the menu I can get a hint, Navigate and guide to the cache. If there would be one change that I would wish for it would be to change the trackable info for distance to the POI.

As I say this is only my opinion and this is the only place I can voice it.


All feedbacks are read, registered and because this idea has quite a growing number of votes, it will be probably "process". :). Feel free to continue in discussion. If you will be able to find some optimal solution useful for all!! , less work for me.


Menion, you asked for a "solution useful for all" and once said you like generic solutions. We have several areas where users can customize which functions are callable via icon (e.g. right button bar, POI/track pop up, main menu, dash board buttons, track recording slide-in-menu,...). Each area offers a choice from a subset of all functions, one function can be accessed from 1..n areas but not in all areas. In the long term, could all areas use the same interface to call a function, so when a function is once made accessible via icon for one area, users can place them anywhere (any area) they like, without requiring any more work by you? That would not only solve this issue, but several others, too (which buttons shall be available in dashboard etc). Yes, there are many functions, but using tabs & categories (like in dashboard editor) users can manage the long list, and customization is done quite infrequently so it's ok that it takes a moment.


Hello Georg, your description is for me too generic. May you please write me a more specific example how and what you imagine I should improve in app? Thank you!


CaptKaos2 wrote:

I get info on Altitude, Difficulty. Terrain, Waypoints, size of cache and on the menu I can get a hint, Navigate and guide to the cache.

Ah, now I understand: You're talking about geocaching POIs, I'm talking about "normal" POIs - for those, the popup shows only name and altitude :-( I can understand you're quite satisfied with the shown infos in your use case.


My 2cents:

I would like to be able to have the address in the pop-up (if entered). And the menu should include "Edit", thus saving the detour through the Details screen if you want to edit the waypoint.

Also useful would be the menu option "Center" - makes it easier to zoom in (with the buttons) exactly on a point.


Ingo Rau wrote:

the menu should include "Edit", thus saving the detour through the Details screen if you want to edit the waypoint.

+1, same thought here today


in menu the item " show on diagram" is missed. this can avoid rendering the whole detail site too often.



I want all of them ;)


For me "Copy to" is the one that would be most useful!!


gynta wrote:

I want all of them ;)

Me too. And I'd still like to add "Center" (more correctly: "Center in crosshairs", in case they are moved down by the options).

If the menu gets too long, perhaps everything from "Edit" to "Delete" (w/o "Hide") could be put in a submenu "Manage" or something.


Oh, and I just thought of another useful submenu: Attachments

That would open a list of attachments (if any) that you could then open directly. Very useful when travelling when you attached additional info to a waypoint.

Crossing my fingers the menu can be extended :o)


Attachments: edit ->...

Not a main point.

(In my opinion)


So a main price for a best answer - won "gynta" with his , congratulation :).

And now seriously. It's exactly as CaptKaos2 wrote at begin - main purpose of this new popup was - simple and quick overview - not an advanced features.

Anyway, I wrote every single item you want to add to this side menu, on a paper. And was thinking about every of them. And all they are by me "unimportant" (do not speed up work a lot, are used very rarely or just in certain situations etc.), I strike though.

And result that remains and that is now already done (will work in next test version):

  • distance from current GPS location (if enabled)
  • time of track point (only in "edit mode")
  • new button "Show all waypoints/Hide all waypoints" for geocaching
  • new row with 5/10 last geocache logs (very nice and useful idea, thanks)

Nothing more, sorry guys. Keep in mind - simple and useful for all! Thanks


So for non-geo-caching-POIs, the pop up will only display the abbreviated name & altitude & distance to GPS - that's a little less information than the old

"info on center cross-over" shows. I can live with that, but I'm a little sad - the pop ups have the potential to considerably fasten up POI usage by avoiding most opening POI edit screen & closing it again, but that potential is not exploited (except for geo-caching POIs). Hopefully that will come in a later version, e.g. when interaction with maps gets to a new level.

  • distance from current GPS location (if enabled)
  • time of track point (only in "edit mode")
  • new button "Show all waypoints/Hide all waypoints" for geocaching
  • new row with 5/10 last geocache logs (very nice and useful idea, thanks)

Like it,


One small improvement idea:

-I select a cache from map --> pop up

-I press on the pop-up in order to log the cache

-... log the cache

-Return to map, the pop-up is still there, I need one extra click to hide it :(

So why not hide the pop-up? This is already implemented with "Guide to"; if the cache is logged the guideing is removed.


Would love to see quick log cache button. As now im mainly going with hand held Garmin GPS for better accuracy and logging caches in locus for quick filed note upload later.

So click on icon -> log cache. Simple! And im on my way to next cache.


Hi Kristaps,

if you use settings

Map-objects&style/Tap on point/Screen


geocaching/Quick button/Log your visit

after two clicks you are able to select how to logg


And how about the customization? I could use the "move to" option there a lot, whereas I don't need the "navigate to" option at all. I'd love to switch them.


Hi popescu,

I really wants to keep this function simple. It should not serve as replacement for big point screen. So I really hope, no own customization will be needed. Thanks for understanding.



Tool is very nice and useful.

Log cache function would be useful in the popup window.


Thank you for the improvement in 3.6.0. The popup is so much useful now!

You know what would make it perfect? If one of the available actions was to update cache. I know G4L handles this feature so it's a question for Arcao:

Wouldn't it be amazing if you could update the cahce directly from the map? You can see the last 5-10 logtypes now in the popup, but that's not always the current situation because the cache might be outdated. You could get a quick idea whether the cache is okay directly in the popup without the need to open the cache page.

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