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How to get rid of Cache Notes

matjes shared this question 7 years ago

When I load teh nearest n caches into my Locus, it also creates points for 'Note: nnnnn'

How do I get rid of thos?

Replies (5)


Those points stay even after I delete the database I loaded the caches into and/or disable heelive map

They present as a red circle with white X inside


Hi Matjes,

would you please post a few screenshots of the situation? I need to know where were the note:nnnn points created (folder), how they look like, do they display on map? You describe red circles with white X - these are OSM notes that have nothing in common with geocaches. You can disable them in menu > more functions > OSM notes


Hi Matjes,

As Michal wrote, please could you provide us screenshot? It could be caused by built-in feature in Geocaching4Locus. More info here: Creating user waypoints from personal Geocache note (PM only)


Thanks. It turned out to be the OSM Notes. No idea how those got turned

on. Thanks all !

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