Hide just one temporary object (circle/line/...)

popescu shared this idea 10 years ago
Gathering feedback

When I for example draw a circle in the map using the geocaching tools and I want to remove it, the only way to do it I've discovered so far is the "hide all temporary objects" tool - the crossed eye button. However, that deletes everything and I don't want that. Is there a way how to get rid of the circle - or any similar object - only without losing the rest? With points I csn just open the point's screen and select hide in the menu, but there is no menu for drawn circles.

Replies (3)


Good day popescu,

unfortunately this basic feature is currently missing. Because all these lines/circles are not clickable, there is no simple way to hide just one of it. Sorry.


Okay, could the drawn object be made clickable then? :)


It's not yet working, because it's not so simple.

I've improved title a little bit and changed your question to idea.

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