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Hide track navigation icons/arrows

Robin99 shared this idea 10 years ago

After creating a track for navigation there are arrow points indicated places to i.e. turn left/right. If track is complicated there are many such points and screen is illegible. Is there in Locus a option to hide these arrows or use dots instead?

Replies (38)


Currently there is no option to hide these arrows.

They will hide automatically in moment, you start a navigation. TIll then, they are always visible on map.


But what about "simplification" of these points? Arrow points belong to track but "map_items_track_simplification_till_zoom=" parameter doesn't affect them.

They are simplified like standard points.



yes it's correct. But what you expect from these points? Even if simiplification apply on them, they still be visible in high zoom levels as now.

Anyway what is your use case? You create a lot of tracks for some trips without internet? Please try to describe me what you do, that you have map full of these icons. It should help me to understand, if they are really a problem or if there is any working workaround. Thanks


Ok, in high zoom levels they can (should) be visible, but i lower zoom simplification (independent from regular points) will be good solution.

I created track (brouter) before my bicycle geocaching trip at home. Track leads to caches to find. During ride I'm using a navigation, but when I'm approaching to cache I turn the navigation off and turn a compass on.

When I turn off a navigation the array points emerge and cover my geocaches (see screenshot).

Additionally, showing array points in low zoom levels is a little pointless because they cover each other and track survey is difficult.


>...(see screenshot)...

hmm a UseResponse problem or a user problem?

what screenshot?


Thanks Robin for explanation. Understand.

I've changed this question to idea, so others may vote if it's interesting for them.

Question is also, if there isn't any possible compromise. Like smaller, different style etc.


I think dots will be fine maybe with distinctive colour.

@gynta I am quite sure I've attached a file to my post. But maybe it disappeared after post edit.



Hi guys,

I have to open this topic because I need some help from you now. Currently I need for one task, visible track without these icons also :). So I want to open short discussion what to do with this ...

I see few possibilities.

  1. Leave it as is and for my personal task, I'll do some small invisible hack
  2. completely remove these points from map (I like them, but agree that they cover too much of map)
  3. make them smaller ... should this help? ...
  4. some optional settings for whole locus, or just for every track with predefined default settings?

Any ideas, feedback, is welcome.


one setting with checkbox

"Draw direction arrows on track" check/uncheck

and add this also to "quick switch panel"


Thanks for an opinion gynta. I'm currently trying to draw them only as a small dots and when you hover them by center cross, they appear as now (full icon).

Looks maybe also good. You know ... I'm slowlly stopping to be a fan of too much unneded settings, as before. So some ideal middle version is what I want, more then another settings ...


And what about hide those icons when there too many of them on the screen? For example - if there are more than 10 icons on the screen, draw them as small dots (or hide)...

Because I don't see connection between number of icons and zoom level - there can be just a few turn-icons for long track or a lot of icons in small area... both situation exists.


It's just my opinion, but "hover by center cross" method limits usage to view one-by-one and nobody can preview situation from "global" point of view.


I'm not sure how much these icons are useful. Don't understand me badly. I created them and I really like them :).

On other side, on map is clerly visible what happen on place where the point lay.

Suggest to check latest BETA version and we should then discuss more ;)


And it looks like this ;-) And alternative version (picture by Poi import).

However I had nor have any problem with today's Navigation "arrowed" version.


0709 wrote:

And it looks like this ;-) And alternative version (picture by Poi import).

However I had nor have any problem with today's Navigation "arrowed" version.

Thanks for info. Appreciate it.


Hi Robin, I voted No. As I do prefer the more direct (pre)informative arrowed Navi screen version. Usage of this (pre)informative Navi screen.


  • No talk: "beep" to be guided.
  • low power consumption: auto Screen on/off.

Track preparation to be Guided: (Locus Pro for POI !)

Load track =>Navigate=>(unselect)Start Navigation setting High=>(arrowed screen)=>Select track "Navigation" and export as KMZ file. Stop Navigation.

Reload previous exported track and split now into "Points"(create map) and track =>Import. In POImap: Select, Filter (on symbols), delete or change symbols.

= Guiding now with a single 'beep' (POI alert) and auto screen on/off functionality.


In testversion V the generated navigation points properties is changed positive for this idea request. Trackexport with navigation points is done now with the drectional waypoint names and symbol. So enough info available to filter in Poi-> data -> points. No further objection for this idea proposal. Also positive news for Christians idea request see the idea link. So I changed my vote to thumbs up !


Hmm so ... everything OK now? Not sure by your answers :)


Yes sure OK ! Fine progressions with latest testversions ! Very positive is the Waypoint naming by Direction and hopefully shifting all extra info like streetnames etc from online services into the comment/description field. This opens possibilities for Christians above request I think. I am already preparing a next brainstorming document. It will be ready soon and I will trow it into the group and then wait a while for more comments and reactions ;-)


After closing idea as completed. A possible alternative control ? Hide, Icons, or Dots. Not adding new menu. Settings->Map-objects & style -> Define track Icons: No symbol, Dot, or Icon. Now only controls the start/stop Icons. If users prefer Icons, they probably also prefer the complete range of track Navigation Arrows ?


Hi 0709,

thanks for your comments. I also received personal message on forum, so not worry. I know about your idea. I was already checking how to create it and it seems that it's a more work then I expected. So I'll leave it for now.


No problem Menion. Take your time for this. And no, I did not give up the Icons. See the attachment. Attachments here must be .zip, = double zipped track (.kmz) file ;-). After editing and deleting some points a nice informative trackfile. And seriously, those nice icons are not that big, and very informative.

0709- Willy


See from my screen capture I have a computed route. I have set the mode to Altitude so I can see where the high and low points are. Unfortunately the Altitude coloring is completely obscured by the computed/ intermediate track icons making it useless unless I zoom in along the whole track. This represents a single day of cycling.

I found comment by 0709 "Settings->Map-objects & style -> Define track Icons: No symbol, Dot, or Icon. Now only controls the start/stop Icons." 4 months ago. Is there a way to hide the intermediate track icons too?


Good day Andrew,

unfortunately there is currently no way to hide these navigation points. It looks that dot aren't only problem. Small arrows along quite width track also do not help with readability. Anyway I think that little bit zoom in may helps a lot here. Also you may use advantage of track chart if you are searching for best/worst part of track.


Thanks Menion. I hope hiding these computed points may be considered in future. They are really just an artifact of the routing engine, not points that a user has placed on the map. The small arrows show me the direction of travel which can be fantastic if riding at night, and after sleeping & going in wrong direction. Yes I can zoom in of course, but for a 100km track (or 1000km track next weekend) it is just not practical to zoom in & pan along the whole track, the chart is also good of course, but a quick visual overview would be fantastic.


Small "poll" for all

Before four months

- high zoom level - big, full icons

- low zoom level - icon size was reduced to small dot to simplify draw

Current version 3.6.x

- high zoom level - small blue dots

- low zoom level - still small red icons with white/black border

Idea to next version

- high zoom level - small blue dots

- low zoom level - completely remove as they are quite useless in this zoom

What you think?


Hi Menion. Can I firstly praise you/ your company, for how responsive you are to the user community.

My preference is to not display the routing engine points at any zoom level. I agree at low zoom level "they are quite useless". What is their use at higher zoom levels? Am I correct "They are really just an artifact of the routing engine, not points that a user has placed on the map."? I know you would prefer to make this behavior automatic rather than a user setting, but would a setting > Map objects > "Show Routing Points At High Zoom" be a compromise?


>"Idea to next version

>- high zoom level - small blue dots

>- low zoom level - completely remove as they are quite useless in this zoom"

My idea:

Settings/.../Navigation arrows on/off (with a switch)

and further setting (if switch is on) :

"small blue dots from" selectable zomm level


1 = blue dots at all

17 = 1-16 blue dots; 17-22 big icons


I vote for gynta's idea.


Gynta sorry, no settings for such tiny feature.

Another ideas?


c'mon - we have also other "tiny" settings

eg countdown :)

Anyway - it was just an idea.

An entry in the config.cfg is also ok.


End time for tiny settings is slowly coming :).

Anyway I really think, that this feature do not deserve so much space. There should be one universal solution usable for all and this is what I try to find here.

We all probably agree that these icons do not have sense in low zoom levels. So if you don't mind, I'll remove them in these levels. In higher zoom levels are now less obtrusive blue dots which I would like to keep. They are useful for a quick check if generated track has navigation orders on correct places and basically to check if track is really computed as "navigation".


When I use locus for roadbiking from time to time I zoom out quite a lot. I this case the blue bullets are really bothersome.


Are there any news regarding turning off the visibility of navigation points?

As Andrew wrote years ago: these points are an "artifact of the routing engine", and for everyday usage they are disturbing: they clutter the screen, every time I move a track on the screen, these nasty arrows pop up, and when I just want to highlight a track by tapping it (e.g. to start routing), Locus offers me tons of useless elements (see screenshot).

The majority of users want the navigation just to work, no matter what the app does in the background. They want a simple, understandable display of the tracks and POIs. On the other hand, some "power users" may want to edit navigation points or just to check if navigation points were calculated for a certain track.

So in my opinion, this is a case where a setting to toggle visibility on/off really make sense – with the "off" status as default setting.


I fully agree. Locus should allow to filter them.


I was thinking and searching for a simple solution to set this option per track or per group, but in the end, because of simplicity, this is the solution for the next version LMA 4.1 / LCA 3.52. Ok?

Thanks for the idea and sorry it took 7 years. Such a simple logical task, hmm ...



Good day Jiří,

more than OK – great! :)

Locating this option in the track settings is logical and intuitive. I think this is a really good solution many users will appreciate.

We are the ones to thank you! :)




Clean track view, looks very fine now!

Now the Gold subscription gives even more pleasure! ;)


Your posting sounds like the change is already live... but it's not.


There seems to be small mess in what is already in public version and what in Beta versions.

I'll try to post better info next time.

For now, this feature will be avilable since public Locus Map 4.1 or Beta version from 9. 4. or newier.


Sorry I was not clear. I was talking about Beta wich already offers this option.


I am on 4.0.2 and I don't have that option :-) But seems to be coming, waiting for it :-) thanks


Hello Oliver,

that’s right, you can find this function only in the actual beta And it will be available in one of the next official versions :)

Best, Lucas




Why can't see

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