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How to navigate through a .gpx track as in route planner?

ciclolars shared this question 5 years ago

I have noticed that navigation guidance is different if I follow a .gpx file or a route made by the route planner.

Route planner only notifies me in the crossing (and this is awesome to save battery by reducing the time the screen is on). However, if the same route comes from a .gpx file, during the navigation I received turn notifications but not in crossings, this is useless if you want to save battery.

How can I import a .gpx file into the route planner and then have only crossing notifications?

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer


for now, there is no other option than to add navigation points manually to the route if they are missing on intersections. Fit GPX to route via routing service sounds reasonable so you can create an idea at helpdesk and let other users vote for it.

Replies (1)



when you plan the route in the route planner (or when you start navigation to a point to which a new route is generated) the navigation commands are added on turns because the routing engine knows were the nods are. When you start navigation along a GPX Locus doesn't know the nods - GPX is just a line. So Locus generates navigation commands according to the shape of the line. You can set frequency of these hints in Locus settings > navigation > advanced > frequency of commands.

best regards



Hi Michal,

Thanks for your quick reply, now I really know what it does.

Is there any option no quickly convert a GPX into a route planner? I mean, show the GPX and then manually plot points in the route planner is fairly quick but sometimes the router engine (Graphhopper or Brouter) does not create the proper route and I have to add extra points in key locations. Maybe in a future it is a feature implemented... (fit a GPX to a route with a router engine)

Best regards,



for now, there is no other option than to add navigation points manually to the route if they are missing on intersections. Fit GPX to route via routing service sounds reasonable so you can create an idea at helpdesk and let other users vote for it.

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