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How to select track point where track passes in both directions

Andrew Heard shared this question 8 years ago

I know there was an improvement 6+ months ago to solve this track editing task but I can't remember the trick sorry. If I am editing a track (adding a navigation command) and the track has two points at the same location (track loops, goes in both directions) how do I select one or the other point accurately?


There is a separate "trick" I do remember, but can't find in the manual - where a location does have 2 coincident track points each with a navigation command, it is possible to long tap the navigation command icon to switch between track points.

In fact I can't see any mention of adding navigation commands in at all, let alone these more subtle editing tasks?

Replies (4)


Good day Andrew,

if I remember correctly, second tap on same spot may helps here.


Thanks Menion. Yes, it takes a bit of practice but you are correct. Still, navigation command(in general) and this could be added to the manual.


Perfect, glad it helped. @Michal may decide if it worth to place it somewhere to manual.


Hi Andrew, converting trackpoints into navigation waypoints is mentioned in the last part of the planning chapter - I'll add the information about double tapping in case of two coincident trackpoints, thanks.

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