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How to view Orux-based .sqlitedb files on PC?

Scott Owens shared this question 11 years ago

I need to be able to QA/QC my raster-based map tiles (downloaded from RMaps via Android) and need a viable means to view the map tiles which are stored as Orux-based .sqlitedb files with accompaning .sqlitedb-journal files; any ideas on how I can connect to this raster map tile database and view the rasters on PC???

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Hello Scott,

non of Locus team is not familiar with Orux maps formats. It`s supported in Locus as well, so you may use some Android simulator and view this maps on your PC in Locus or OruxMaps in this simulator. I`m currently not aware about any other application (not even on Android), that support this format, anyway I suggest to ask rather on Orux support then here.

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