Hybrid maps / mixed maps

mambofive shared this idea 12 years ago
Gathering feedback

The recent performance improvement for vector maps and the built in themes are great improvements and made me switch from OSM based online maps to vector maps in my daily use. The new automatic vector map switch is also a very useful improvement. Locus gets better and better from update to update!

However, zoom levels 1-14 are still a little slow...

What about a "mixed map" mode (or "hybrid map"), which uses vector maps for zoom levels 15 and up, and a (selectable) online map for zoom levels 1-14?

I remember that one of the Locus "gurus" posted a similar idea long time (years?) ago, but I can`t find it any more...

Replies (1)


Universal idea is "virtual map". "Virtual map" is defined from "physical maps" by simple text script (for example in xml, json, ...):

- zoom 1: Online OpenStreetMap (id=123), shading on, overlay ..., ...

- zoom 2: Offline MyMap ($LocusRoot$/maps/mymap.map), shading off, no overlay, ...

- zoom 3: ...


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