Idea for fix for "disappearing geocaches with corrected coordinates when zooming"

Jan-Gerard van der Toorn shared this idea 6 years ago
Gathering feedback

I know that the Geocaching4Locus live map does not show caches when they are out of bounds of the current display, and that that means that when zooming in, caches with corrected coordinates of which the original coordinates are off the map are not shown. See also topic gc4l-live-map-caches-with-corrected-coords-disappear-on-higher-zl

But still that's not very convenient. I would like to suggest to add a small buffer, that keeps caches with corrected coordinates in memory, once loaded on a lower zoom level, such that they can still be displayed when zooming in and/or panning.

My workaround is now to store very cache locally when I am going to search it, which works fine, but it is still a workaround and I would appreciate a more structural solution.

Replies (6)


Bingo - you have identified the problem. I'm unsure about the solution. Whatever the solution (not workaround), using Geocaching4Locus (to find any cache type BUT mystery) is my favourite app. I must (for the moment) switch to another app to find mystery caches. Please find a solution.


An option could be to make GC4L "underwater" load all geocaches in a range of 3.2 km or 2 mi around the extend of the map, to get all applicable mysteries, since the solution to a mystery should be within 2 miles from the posted coordinates. That way, you are always sure that everything is shown.

However, I think that caching caches that were recently displayed is much faster and using less data.


Is this the correct category or should I have put it in the "problems" section?


If moving it to the 'problems' section will get developer attention, then you get my vote.


Hi guys,

I'm sure it has an attention of @Arcao (independent developer of Geocaching4Locus). I (as the main dev of Locus Map itself) can imagine it may require quite an extra work and clear logic to make it work.

Let's just wait what @Arcao think about this idea ... thanks


Oživil bych tuto myšlenku, je to skutečně velmi otravné, když z živé mapy zmizí korigované keše jakmile se jejich úvodky při zvětšení dostanou mimo mapu. A muset si korigované keše neustále ukládat do temporary seznamu aby nemizely.

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