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Image attached to field note is not uploaded / not foundable

Barbudor shared this problem 9 years ago


This morning I have taken and attached a photo to a GC field note.

Once uploaded to GC web site as notes (not log), the picture was not uploaded.

This was the 1st time I ever tried this.

If I open the GC and then open the note in Locus, the picture is still here. (see attached picture)

However I have no way to get this picture :

- no download/save button

- can't be found anywhere in my sdcard (where are the field notes stored ?)

- the photo is not visible in add-on FieldNote

- Locus crashes if I try to send the note from Locus (instead of from add-on)

I am still very confused with regards to relations between Locus and add-on FieldNotes. It looks like the note entry is performed in Locus. Then we have to open add-on to select which notes to upload. When we select 'upload' it looks like the add-on revert to Locus to perform the effective uploading... I still don't understand the benefit of the add-on versus the previous method.


Replies (2)


Good day Barbudor,

sorry for a troubles. Let solve it ... seems that uploading of photos really isn't much clear. Because only way, how you may get photos to web is over Log > Log your visit. So first option in "Log" menu. Field notes (offline and also uploaded to, do not support images! So try this and let me know.

Few more notes:

- the photo is not visible in add-on FieldNote

As I know, this add-on still do not support images

- Locus crashes if I try to send the note from Locus (instead of from add-on)

best to report crashes:

- I still don't understand the benefit of the add-on versus the previous method.

Add-on offers a lot more options that offered old system in Locus. You are anyway not the first and probably not the last who ask this question, so I more consider creating of add-on as not-perfectly implemented decision, which needs some improvements.



I now that if I attach a picture to a waypoint/geocache I will be able to find the JPG file in ../Locus/data/media/photo

But where is the file attached to this log ?

No other way to get it back than posting the log to ?

Thanks in advance.

best regards


This is correct, "no other way". Attached photos resized and stored in internal database.


ok. thanks.

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