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Import KML with blank(s) in

Karsten R. shared this problem 12 years ago
Not a Problem

Hello, I`ve found a (very) little problem in the KML import function.

If you try to import a KML file in which the coordinates are written like this:

10.3031282642319, 48.4255543562108 insteadt of

10.3031282642319,48.4255543562108 (Blank between latitude and longitude)

the import fails without any message or warning.

I could not really find in the KML Reference any hint if blanks are allowed or not. GoolgeEarth imports both types.

Could you please update the import routine to check this issue? Would be great!

I will also try to contact the guys who build the POI export filter I`m using cause this `creates` the trouble... ;)

And by the way: Awesome tool! ;)

Replies (1)


Hello Karsten,

spaces between coordinates aren`t allowed, read this

I may improve it in Locus little bit, but best would be to fix it on side of exporting program.

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