Improving of usability in adverse external conditions

Dmitry Lesev shared this idea 7 years ago
Gathering feedback

There are conditions (rain / frost, inability to use the second hand, impossibility of stopping) in which it is difficult to open the menu in Locus, launch functions, etc. Because of the small buttons and short fingers :)

It would be useful to have a regime to simplify such operations.

This can be one or a combination of the following:

- long press of hard buttons (volume buttons). Allows to make easier the launch of the two most frequently used functions

- a set of large buttons (in full screen). This mode can be turned on by swipe. The buttons can completely overlap a map screen

- accelerometer sensor

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If you are in a situation where you cannot use 2 hands or cannot stop to do this.

Is it safe to do this at all?

What is it you are trying to launch that you need at this time?

Why cannot launching another app wait till you can use 2 hands?


May be unsafe now, but it will be definitely safer if i be able to do the same actions in the Locus faster and easier.

For me the most popular actions (except change zoom level) - add new POI, zoom lock, search and open existing POI, on/off gps, select map


There is a problem that for "add new poi", "search", "open existing POI" and "select map" is also needed to touch the screen, which is another complicated step that cannot be simply solved by enlarging screen or long-click on zoom buttons etc.

I'm sorry, but I still miss explanation how (and which) function attached to long-click of volume button ( if it's even possible ) may improve usability in more complicated conditions.


Good day Dmitry,

next to few questions from Dave, I'm also not sure, something like this is currently needed.

- for easier open of side menu, you may use "swipe from left edge", which I often use on bike and it works quite well

- into main six menu buttons, you may define your most needed functions

- you may also permanently rescale all map screen buttons, by parameter in config.cfg file ( more in our manual ).

So what more is needed? Open main menu by hardware button is not useful because you will still need to touch any function button. And setup two functions on volume buttons ... which two functions are so useful to place them here? They will also need not to require any more interaction.


You can divide the wiping from left edge into 2 areas.

Upper half of the screen and lower half of the screen. At the top appears as now. In the case of accommodation only defined functions. Of course others as above.


Last February, I used Locus Map to navigate while hiking in 10-15 meter visibility (above tree-line). In was cold and damp so it didn't take long to develop a layer of rime and ice on your clothing. I was wearing three layers on my hands (vapour-barrier gloves, fleece mittens, nylon overmitts). All of this protection made it impossible to operate the touchscreen (and very awkward to hold the phone). I had to remove the outer two layers and could then operate the phone wearing just the vapour-barrier gloves (basically just polyethylene gloves).

It was the first time I used my phone in such conditions and it made me think about how to improve accessibility. It was extremely difficult to operate the phone's power button wearing mittens and overmitts. I didn't try using the volume button but it would've been equally difficult and frustrating. I always had to remove the outer two layers to activate the power button and then pan the map. Giant onscreen buttons and enhanced volume buttons would not have helped me.

What might have been useful was to shake the phone to wake-up the screen and then tip the phone to pan the map (someone has already posted the Idea for tipping the phone to pan the map). In addition, voice commands might have been useful (but only if I wore earphones with a microphone).


I operated with zoom level with volume buttons and lock button when skiing (in gloves) - no problem, recommend. It covers 90% my usual activity in the Locus. If possible, i would assign new POI and Lock Zoom functions to long-click. + 5 % :)

About ability to accurately and fast operate with soft buttons - i haven't tried to change config, but with default size it's a bit hard sometimes. Swipe from left edge and 6 menu buttons also it's not easy for 5'' phone, using one hand.

My idea was to show by swipe the set of giant buttons, may be instead of right and bottom panels. As we don't need to see the map at the same time, so these buttons can be in full screen.

I'll try to change the size of soft buttons, may be it will be enough


I've tried to set in config dev_gui_main_rescale_value=1.2 Clicking on the bottom and right panel's buttons become easier now, thanks for your advice.

These panels partially overlap the map screen. Ok, we have options "Bottom/Right/Top Panels Hiding", but for the map control style="Google" we should use 3-finger tap for displaying these panels. It's impossible for one-hand work with Locus. Would be better to use swipe from bottom of screen in this case.


Glad it helped ( rescale of panels ).

Anyway if Google-like style does not fit your needs, then try Locus-like style, or just don't hide bottom panel. There is many possible combinations ... I believe that changes in this behavior ( how to display bottom panel when hidden ) is not needed now. Thanks for understanding.

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