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Incomplete download of kompass map
I bought and downloaded the kompass map of Madeira total. The Installation seams to be incomplete because there are white areas. What can I do to repair it? Thank you.
Dear Norbert,
I'm sorry for troubles. Would be possible for you to create screenshot of problematic area and send me mentioned screenshot?
Thank you
Best regards
Dear Norbert,
I'm sorry for troubles. Would be possible for you to create screenshot of problematic area and send me mentioned screenshot?
Thank you
Best regards
Dear Petr,
Ich attached two screenshot in different resolution. In higher resolutions the eastern part of Madeira is missing .
Best regards
On 5. Februar 2017 21:10:01 MEZ, Locus Map wrote:
Dear Petr,
Ich attached two screenshot in different resolution. In higher resolutions the eastern part of Madeira is missing .
Best regards
On 5. Februar 2017 21:10:01 MEZ, Locus Map wrote:
Dear Norbert,
thank you for screenshot and we're sorry for troubles. Map was really broken. I've already refunded 299 LoCoins for this map. Please follow steps bellow to fix it.
- delete incomplete map
- navigate to the store and purchase map again.
Please let me know if map works properly.
Thank you
Best regards
Dear Norbert,
thank you for screenshot and we're sorry for troubles. Map was really broken. I've already refunded 299 LoCoins for this map. Please follow steps bellow to fix it.
- delete incomplete map
- navigate to the store and purchase map again.
Please let me know if map works properly.
Thank you
Best regards
Dear Petr,
I've downladed the map. Now it works properly. Thank you for your very fast answer!
Best regards
On 06.02.2017 19:35, Locus Map wrote:
Dear Petr,
I've downladed the map. Now it works properly. Thank you for your very fast answer!
Best regards
On 06.02.2017 19:35, Locus Map wrote:
Dear Norbert,
thank you for info. I'm glad that map works.
Best regards
Dear Norbert,
thank you for info. I'm glad that map works.
Best regards
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