Intelligent point&tracks restore

balloni55 shared this idea 9 years ago
Gathering feedback


i have a backup from last week.

In the meantime i recorded some tracks and add some points to database.

By accident today i delete one important track/point i´ve created last mounth.

If i restore now point&tracks with backup from last week, all since last week created poins&tracks are lost and also modification (text/coords) i have done within last week on any point/track.

So my idea:

- do not replace content of backup one by one

- do it similar "geocache update"

- keep additional (in the meantime created) tracks&points while restore

- and if possible keep also modification of coords and text inside points&tracks

Replies (11)


I would enhance this idea to being able to maintain a complete cloud backup which even would make it possible to keep 2 devices in sync regarding POI, Tracks, annotations, etc...

Together with the suggestions above, it'll make a nice backup/sync possible


So the consolidation of second DB into the target DB would take data selectively from the second one, and that second one could reside on Dropbox e.g.

Strongly support that !


I just lost my whole tracks database. So it would be nice and very helpful to have one or more spare databases which are not overwritten in backups or restore.

I strongly support that too!


Hi Bartek,

if you restored a backup of all your data (settings, tracks, points), your new tracks are lost - you overwrote your current database with an old one.


Wow, so much sad... :(

Wouldn't that be a good idea to merge, not overwrite? (I imagine, right now, you basically replace the db files, right?)


Wow. Its hanging here for 2 years already :O


yep, insane. there's no tool to get and merge my tracks from old DB with few clicks, smth that coder is able to do in few hours...


Yes Bartek, I agree. I would myself lose a lot of data by this system, fortunately, I always backup each track to Runkeeper immediately after stopping track recording. This should be solved when Locus has its own cloud synchronization some time in future.


Synchronize with the Drive Autosync folder with databases on GDrive every night. So, I can synchronize the databases between the phone and the tablet, and at the same time I have the current data backup.


Well, I agree there are other options and overall flexibility is amazing BUT that does not mean a clearly stated question - "your backup will overwrite existing content. Do you want to proceed?" is not needed. I get it that the app would have to diff both databases to know there's need to warn the user, still it's common sense to ask.

I know, its my fault this time, not importing the backup right away after fresh install (and also not having automatic export of recorded track, which is usually have turned on), but in general it is good practice to ask the user, then confirm some more. Especially if things may end up lost for ever.


It was only a pleasure to advise him temporarily before a new feature, written by Michal Stupka, becomes operational.


heh Josef, definitely not by me, I'm just a helpdesk man, not a developer.

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