Well, I know that. Anyway, my problem is that I've a huge gpx track (approx. 30MB, covering the 600km trail), so an image being generated on the screen has a very poor resolution.
Well, I know that. Anyway, my problem is that I've a huge gpx track (approx. 30MB, covering the 600km trail), so an image being generated on the screen has a very poor resolution.
It seems that both gpxviz and gpxviz2 are unable to handle my 28MB gpx file: the track is uploaded correctly (presumably- analyzing my laptop's data transfer summary) but they hang when generating the profile.
It seems that both gpxviz and gpxviz2 are unable to handle my 28MB gpx file: the track is uploaded correctly (presumably- analyzing my laptop's data transfer summary) but they hang when generating the profile.
Back again here. I've tried the above link and got the following conclusions:
1) It's the client-side utility (I've found this analyzing the uploaded data volume) - namely, all work is made by some web browser-build JavaScript interpreter
2) It works well for medium size files (e.g., 2MB)
3) Nothing happens for 29 MB gpx track :(
Back again here. I've tried the above link and got the following conclusions:
1) It's the client-side utility (I've found this analyzing the uploaded data volume) - namely, all work is made by some web browser-build JavaScript interpreter
2) It works well for medium size files (e.g., 2MB)
Finally I solved the problem myself. Below I attach the Python script for shrinking gpx as the web services weren't capable of doing it (my gpx file was to large). Once a slimmed file is ready one can plot a profile using any tool.
import gpxpy
gpx_file = open('gsb_2017_track.gpx', 'r')
gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
for track in gpx.tracks:
for segment in track.segments:
# 50 = minimal spacing (in meters) between two subsequent points. Chane if needed
text_file = open("shrinked.gpx", 'wb')
Finally I solved the problem myself. Below I attach the Python script for shrinking gpx as the web services weren't capable of doing it (my gpx file was to large). Once a slimmed file is ready one can plot a profile using any tool.
import gpxpy
gpx_file = open('gsb_2017_track.gpx', 'r')
gpx = gpxpy.parse(gpx_file)
for track in gpx.tracks:
for segment in track.segments:
# 50 = minimal spacing (in meters) between two subsequent points. Chane if needed
text_file = open("shrinked.gpx", 'wb')
Maybe not exactly what you're after but you can open track details - share - track overview..
See attachment
Maybe not exactly what you're after but you can open track details - share - track overview..
See attachment
Well, I know that. Anyway, my problem is that I've a huge gpx track (approx. 30MB, covering the 600km trail), so an image being generated on the screen has a very poor resolution.
Well, I know that. Anyway, my problem is that I've a huge gpx track (approx. 30MB, covering the 600km trail), so an image being generated on the screen has a very poor resolution.
export your track.gpx
and upload it to
right click on profile > save as
export your track.gpx
and upload it to
right click on profile > save as
It seems that both gpxviz and gpxviz2 are unable to handle my 28MB gpx file: the track is uploaded correctly (presumably- analyzing my laptop's data transfer summary) but they hang when generating the profile.
It seems that both gpxviz and gpxviz2 are unable to handle my 28MB gpx file: the track is uploaded correctly (presumably- analyzing my laptop's data transfer summary) but they hang when generating the profile.
Maybe simplify gpx first? http://labs.easyblog.it/maps/gpx-simplify-optimizer/
Maybe simplify gpx first? http://labs.easyblog.it/maps/gpx-simplify-optimizer/
Yeah, it looks to be a fix I was looking for :D
I'll try and report. Anyway, thanks a lot!
Yeah, it looks to be a fix I was looking for :D
I'll try and report. Anyway, thanks a lot!
with RouteConverter you can also save the displayed chart
with RouteConverter you can also save the displayed chart
Finally I solved the problem myself. Below I attach the Python script for shrinking gpx as the web services weren't capable of doing it (my gpx file was to large). Once a slimmed file is ready one can plot a profile using any tool.
Finally I solved the problem myself. Below I attach the Python script for shrinking gpx as the web services weren't capable of doing it (my gpx file was to large). Once a slimmed file is ready one can plot a profile using any tool.
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