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Is there a setting to show the individual color of the track and not the color of the folder?

ivo Nörenberg shared this question 8 years ago

Is there a setting to show the individual color of the track and not the color of the folder?

Best Answer

I see! Then just switch the folder style off: folder action menu (three dots) > Edit > tap the line sample > uncheck "Draw line" under "line style". The folder then does not have its line style and your styles from recording will be preserved.

Replies (6)


Hi Ivo,

yes, there is. Open your track detail, select Edit from the bottom menu, tap on the "Style on map" and switch off "Use style of the folder". A new menu for editing line style appears.


But I have to do this for each track? I want a general setting for all tracks in the folder.


Hi Ivo,

your request was "Is there a setting to show the individual color of the track and not the color of the folder?" so obviously if you need to change individual color of individual tracks, it is necessary to edit every track individually. If you want to change color of all tracks in a folder, then change style of the track folder - tap action menu (three dots) of a folder in Track manager, select Edit, tap "Style on map".


In my track recording window I have different recording profiles like bike and hike. I set up different colours for them. If I save them to a folder they change the colour to the colour of the folder. I want that they keep the color I set up in the recording profile.


I see! Then just switch the folder style off: folder action menu (three dots) > Edit > tap the line sample > uncheck "Draw line" under "line style". The folder then does not have its line style and your styles from recording will be preserved.


Great Thanks

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