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Is there a quick way to designate the type of a personal map?

Curious00 shared this question 10 years ago

I`ve been using "Mobile Atlas Creator" to download a bunch of little maps of various cities and regions for an upcoming road trip. The thing that is taking the most time, is the need to "re-initialize" each map and then mark a centerpoint for it, so that they`ll all work together smoothly along with my larger state and provincial maps. Is there a quick way to edit the map file, or a locus database so as to tell Locus what type of map it is? Unfortunately, I see that the files that locus makes to catalog these things (*.sqlitedb-journal) are binary files rather than text files.

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firstly sorry for too late response.

Anyway, "journal" files that you see next to map file is just a "trash", that should be deleted.

What I suggest is to open any already calibrated map in any SQLite database editor and check it's content. Locus during "initialization", store into database few information about map center and zoom levels. If you same data prepare into fresh downloaded map, there should be no need for such long initialization during Locus start.

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