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KML file polygon inner/outer boundry displays incorrectly

john greenup shared this problem 10 years ago
Not a Problem

I have been using this site,-117.1534257

to generate a kml file (button near bottom of page) that details a scale model of the solar system.

When I use locus to display it, however, it displays as fully shaded concentric circles that completely obscure the map by the 4th one or so, rather than displaying more like shaded donuts with a line through the middle as it does in google maps.

Replies (3)


Hello John,

unfortunately this is not a problem, but a known limitation of KML implementation in Locus. Inner boundaries of polygon are not currently supported.


Menion wrote:

Hello John,

unfortunately this is not a problem, but a known limitation of KML implementation in Locus. Inner boundaries of polygon are not currently supported.

thank you for the quick response, at least


Dear all,

I just faced the same problem with inner boundaries of a KML polygon not being displayed in Locus.

Is there a workaround? In my case I try to display "hollow" polygons (meaning several smaller polygons within a bigger polygon being cut out of the bigger one).


Hello Lopus,

sorry, there is no known solution directly in the Locus Map app for now.

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