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Line to waypoint is sometimes hidden

rvheddeg shared this problem 12 years ago

1) Add a point to the map

2) Go to a geocache and go to the waypoints

3) Press "Add". (to add a new waypoint)

4) Select in the menu "New". (or "Pick" if it`s already changed names)

5) Select "Choose from map"

6) Press the point made in 1) and click on the icon. (add)

7) Now the coordinates from this point are copied into the waypoint.

8) Choose OK

9) Now you have a new waypoint in the list. make sure that this and only this waypoint is selected.

10) Close the geocache menu and look on the map.

11) Move the map until this point (waypoint) is no longer visible => Notice that the red line disappears.

12) Move the map until this point (waypoint) reappears => red line to the geocache returns...

PS: This problem persists when the point (not the waypoint of course) is removed.

Replies (25)


Sadly(?!?), this morning when I started Locus again, this problem was gone...


I have stumbled on this very annoying bug again and again.

Here`s how I was able to consistently reproduce it on 2 machines:

1) Open a geocache with no waypoints.

2) Add a waypoint to the north or to the east of the geocache.

3) Make sure that you have selected this waypoint in your waypoint list

4) Go to the map

5) Move the map to the east or the north until the red line disappears. This happens when the waypoint is some distance off the screen.

Locus Pro (Version 2.8.3)


hi rvheddeg

and your device?

os version?


stock rom?



This has been tested on 2 Samsung Galaxy S2`s.

None of them is rooted.

One of them has Android 4.0.4, the other has Android 2.3.5


What is very strange, is that it doesn`t work for all my geocaches. Some of them have this behavior, while others don`t.

I`m gonna export some of them and email this list to Menion.


It doesn`t work :-(

I have made a new category and copied some of the geocaches, but when I tested them everything was alright.

Some more info: I have 3 categories:

- one with 24 items, all selected

- one with 3466 geocaches, all selected

- one with 200 geocaches, none selected

I have deselected all my points in the big category and selected them again, and now I can`t reproduce it anymore. :-(

This annoying bug is escaping me again and again.

I`ll try this evening on my wife`s device to reproduce it. If I could reproduce it, I`ll send you the whole list. If not, I`m becoming crazy...


And then this issue pops up again. After all this months without it, I saw it again in action today.

It was a mystery cache without waypoints.

First I made a new point.

Then I went to the mystery and created a waypoint. For the coordinates I selected "Choose on map" and selected the new point.

Now when this waypoint is visible, the line is also visible. But when this waypoint goes out of the screen (to the west this time) the line to this waypoint vanishes.

I have tried it with 5 caches, where I reproduced it by 4. When this bug is not visible, try to zoom in and move the screen so that you still see the cache, but move the waypoint as far as you can.

I reproduced this by closing Locus and then waiting 5 minutes before starting Locus up again.

Phone: SGS2 4.1.2

Locus Pro: 2.10.2

PS: Can no-one reproduce this? It`s not funny when you are walking a multi cache with some waypoints, and because of this, you "forget" some waypoint. This means a lot of time and km extra...


hmm and it`s here again :)

quite a mystery problem. If you`re still able to reproduce it, which map are you using? If some custom, try to enable some online map from MapQuest if problem will be also there.


and it`s gone, again. I`m not able again to reproduce it.

To answer your question, I`m using the belgium vector map 98% of the time. That particular day that this annoying bug appeared, I had used Google Hybrid for a small amount of time. That`s it.

If it appears again, I`ll try to change maps to see it this resolve the problem


hmm maybe this is where problem "was" ... what you think?


hmmm... I hope so, but I doubt it. I never use the POI grouping feature.

It`s been a while since I`ve seen it, but I`ll try this evening to generate some logs from Locus so if this happens again I can somehow prove it ;-)

I`ll keep you informed


This problem is still not fixed.

I have changed maps, changed OS (now Cyanogenmod 10.2) but it keeps popping up. I can reproduce it most of the time.

What can I (we) do to fix it? Do you need a log? Will this help?


I`m not sure, log helps here

We should try it, but I`m worry, it will be more a result of some combination of map + screen size + visible map items. So if all this I`ll have on my device, I should be able to simulate it.


thank you for your video ...

this one will be hard. I`m testing exactly same method as you did on video on my SGS2 with Cyanogen mode 10.1.3 and it works correctly!!

Only idea I have, is to create some crazy debug version that will print to logs every single draw order with exact coordinates and all results of conditions, so there should be visible why this happen. What you think?


If you think this will work, I`ll be glad to test it. 1 drawback I see is the possible amount of logs(=space), but I`m not to worried.

So, yes please. Let`s kill this bug ;-)


Hi Roeland,

may you give locus another try? Today I found another small problem, that should be related to this issue. Just maybe.

It is not needed to test it now, because there will be release tomorrow or in Friday, but if you are curious ...



Just to let you know that the problem is not solved. Although it`s been a while since I saw this behavior, today I saw it again. I`ll send you some more info soon...



so neverending story ...

thanks for logs and video, unfortunately they do not help. Log is useless here, because there is no crash or error on background. There is probably just a problem in compute if line is visible or not.

Anyway even if I import 200 caches around location I see on video, I do not get cache with two lines that disappear for you later. Where should I get it?

And second question - which map are you using? It`s some online map or you own offline map?


Hello LeoLox,

I've merged your topic to this one, because I think it's exactly same problem.

Unfortunately as you may see from a very long discussion, this is not yet solved. I've tested it now. You wrote that only lines "computed" waypoitns are not drawn, but for me, still all works correctly.

So, do you have any idea, how I may simulate such problem on my device? For example importing some GPX file (cache + waypoints), selecting map X and zoom to Z? Because till then, I'm unable to fix this problem.


Hi Menion, exactly the same.

You can take GC4Y452, GC4Y453, GC4Y454, GC4Y455 and GC4Y456.

These are Challenge-Caches, where the final waypoint is in the geocache.

I imported them with geocaching4locus to a folder, selected them individually and set the final waypoint as visible.

The map is OSM World classic, but the problem is the same with other maps too.

Zoomlevel 15 works as it should be, zoomlevel 16 and higher making problems.

My device: Motorola Moto G 8Gb with Android 4.4.2

I hope you can simulated it with this information on your device and better - solve it.

Regards, LeoLox.


Even before I started to work on this problem, I discovered it with one cache and one visible waypoint. Uff, so it should be fixed now, or I at least know where to search and why this may happen.

So in next version, it should be fixed. Otherwise let me know and I'll invest more time into this.


I keep my breath...and my fingers crossed. Could it be true? I frankly had lost all faith.

When is this next version?


uff, so here -

Hope this will work


Works fine. Just tested the pre-version. Once again a great job. Thanks.

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