Notification when friend starts to use (goes online) Live Tracking

Jouni Maahi shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

Would it be possible to add notification when friend starts to use (goes online) Live Tracking?

Would it be possible to add trail to Live Tracking? When I follow someone, it would be handy to see trail where he has been before I started following. And if I take a brake following and join later again, I could see what happened while I wasn't following.


Replies (3)


Good day Jouni,

none of these two features is not possible in Locus Map, so I'm checking changing your question to "idea".


Yes, I'm aware that these features aren't available at the moment. This was more feature request than question ;)



This would be very useful. Sometimes on a cycling trip you are 'trackable', but none of your buddies is. Whenever one of your colleagues enters livetracking an can be seen, an information would be very useful!



the problem with this is that our system currently does not support a concept of friends/buddies but rather predefined "rooms"(maybe groups would be a better name instead of rooms).

But yes, I can imagine a function of getting a notification whenever a new user enters your room, that would not be such a problem, if that would be helpful?


Yes, actually that's what I mean. I have activated a room in live-tracking with several users/buddies and whenever one of these buddies starts live-tracking himself the other members (as far as they are tracking themselfs) should get a notification




Any update to this notification? I would really appreciate it... Would increase the value of livetracking: Imagine this use-case: I am navigating along a track on a (mountain)bike, a fellow biker plans to join me later on my way but is a long distance away. I have live-tracking activated my friend will activate it as soon as he starts riding.

I always have to zoom out to see, whether he is 'online' yet, then zoom back to my track...

A notification would make this zoom in-and-out needless.

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