Send information from track recording to Live tracking servers

Jens shared this idea 8 years ago
Gathering feedback

I can't sent information like total distance and average speed, hr etc.

However, in order to reduce battery consumption, update frequency is often low. Therefore, reconstruction of these values at the server is not possible.

It seems as if additional data fields are hidden/planned, as the assigned field ids are not sequential.

Is this true? Or is this just a feature request.

Replies (5)


Good day Jens,

"total distance", "average speed" and some other parameters ... these all are not information about your current situations. These are information that depends on completely different function inside Locus.

So currently nothing like this is possible. Locus offer only variables that are connected to your current location, your current situation, no more.


Mhh, that's too bad.

So basically, I'd like to have information about current track recording in live tracking.

Can you change my topic to a feature request?

Thank you very much.


I agree this might be useful. If you want to present your audience with more data, like how much you have cycled or climbed so far, Locus needs to transfer that as well (if available). As Jens pointed out, recreating that data from transferred points only is not possible.


Hello live trackers

I know live tracking is for current location and is available without track recoding but during the refresh time locus could cache data and send all averaged values collected to live tracking comment. This could be as option to avoid battery drain.

Obviously refreshing time need to be long enough to collect data or you can collect data on multiple refresh time.

If instead live tracking started with track recording you can send the track data on live tracking comment.


I would love this feature! I think what this topic is really aiming for is something similar to Garmin's LiveTrack feature (see here: It shows all the pertinent information related to your current recording (HR, Current Speed, Avg. Speed, Distance travelled, etc), as well as showing where you've been (essentially, it replicates your current track recording in a way so that others NOT on your own device can track your current recording). Settings to toggle what you actually want to display would be a big bonus (for example, if I don't want to share my heartrate, etc). This would be really valuable in using this for friends and family tracking races or long runs/rides and seeing your progress (not just where you are, but where you've been and how you're doing).


This topic is also close to

(wider custom parameter support for livetracking, including HR BLE / ANT+ etc)

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