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Live tracking displays dashed line sometimes

svartbjorn shared this problem 13 years ago

This is not a big deal, just reporting. This may be a phone (Samsung Galaxy Note) related issue. Here is what happens: Live tracking displays a solid line at higher speeds, e.g. driving car. But at lower speeds, like skiing/running/walking, the live tracking line is dashed. However, if I pixel zoom in, it becomes a solid line, and zooking out again I get the dashed line back. If I save the track, it becomes solid. Have tried several time and seems to be consistent.

Replies (6)


check if you don`t have enabled Menu > Settings > Track recording > Limit points on map. This reduce old recorded points (just visibility, don`t worry), to improve performance. To notify you, that not all points are visible, reduced part is dashed


"Limit points on map" is disabled. I have never enabled that function (yes, I know about it and how it works), so I am very confident it was also disabled when I noticed the dashed line issue. But I can retest tonight to be absolutely sure.


I tested again while skiing and made sure the "Limits points on map" was disabled. I can confirm that I get the dashed live tracking line. When I zoomed in, it changed to solid line. When I zoomed out again, I got back the dashed line. When I saved the track, I got a solid line independent of zoom. Could this be something specific with Galaxy Note due to the screen resolution and its graphics handling? I have a screen dump and a saved track if that can help you in debugging.


nono, thanks for testing. It`s for sure issue in Locus. I`ll test it tomorrow ...


Hmm I`m looking on it. In Locus is now algorithm that draw tracks with reduced number of points depend on zoom level. You say, that when you save track, you see this track in solid color independent on zoom. Little bit funny on this is fact, that this solid line draw same number of points as dashed line during track recording. I mean that during let`s say zoom 12, it draw just every 10th point etc.

Nevermind, "problem" is fixed and during recording, when "Limit number of points" is disabled, line will be solid now


Thank you, Menion! I looked at recorded tracks again and can confirm they are displayed with a solid line independent of zoom level.

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