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Lo maps vector download file not loading properly

Byron Swogger shared this problem 6 years ago

Lomaps will not load all the map area while browsing the area. I tried deleting the map and downloading again, still does not load the area. Other downloaded maps work fine just not lomaps.


Replies (1)



I'm sorry for troubles. I guess that you also use map from John Thorn. At this moment is needed to manually change theme when you switch from John Thorn back to LoMaps. How to switch Please select any internal default theme (eq. Hike & Bike)

Thanks for understanding

Best regards



That was it, thanks


Petr: In your posting from two month's ago, you made it sound like this issue (i.e., the incomplete loading of LoMap tiles) was due to a conflict with maps made by John Thorn. I have the same problem as the original customer. Although I didn't recognize the connection at first, LoMap was working fine before I purchased the John Thorne map, but I noticed the missing tiles when I wanted to switch back to LoMap. I much prefer the External Theme "US_Style" to the Internal Themes (in my case, "Hike & Bike") as the trails under "US_Style" are wide and easy to see, while under the "Hike & Bike" theme, the trails are just thin dashed lines (with no trail names displayed), and difficult to see, especially when zoomed out.

Since the John Thorn map seemed to be the problem per your comments, I deleted it. The LoMap still is missing tiles, however, if the nicer "US_Style" Theme is selected. Deleting the John Thorn map hasn't seemed to make any difference...except that I don't have access to the JT map any more.

I rebooted, thinking the deletion of the John Thorn map hadn't taken effect -- same result (stuck with crummy "Bike & HIke" Themed map if want to see all of the map tiles). Have I now damaged my LoMap such that it will never display all of the map tiles if I choose the "US_Style" Theme? That would be very disappointing...


Petr: In re-reading your first comment on this issue, I'm now wondering whether LoMaps only work with the Internal Themes, and my recollection of a working version of LoMaps was good because after loading the John Thorn map, it must have automatically switched the Theme to "US_Style." If I didn't scroll the LoMap, I may not have noticed the missing tiles.

So, if that's the case, can I reload the John Thorne map at no additional charge? If LoMaps in incompatible with the "US_Style" theme, it may be that LoMaps is the one I need to leave behind. Thanks for any clarification that you can provide.


Hello David,

the problem isn't caused by JohnThorn maps but due to incompatibility themes. LoMaps can be used with internal themes or with any alternative community theme. (You can download alternative themes from Menu > Store > Graphics > filter themes)The US Style theme is designed only for JohnThorn maps and usage this theme with LoMaps can cause mentioned issue.

You can download purchased JohnThorn map again from Locus store for free. Open Menu - Store - search for map - open detail and tap on Download.

Thanks, Petr


Hi, Petr,

Thanks for your quick response. As you suggest, I will look into the alternative themes from the Locus Store as a means of getting my LoMap to display mountain bike trails more prominently. I'm sure there are other advantages to the LoMaps, but one significant one that I've noticed is that they show parking areas, whereas my John Thorn map does not. Many thanks for the support!


Fine :) Another themes can be also downloaded from forum page

Thanks, Petr

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