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Loading huge KML as map overlay

Philip Johnson shared this question 4 years ago

Hi. I'm really impressed with Locus Map but unfortunately the current OSM maps (I'm using OpenAndroMaps) are very poor for walkers/hikers in Great Britain.

We have a very large network of "public rights of way" (footpaths and bridleways) across private land all over the country, but many seem to be missing in OSM.

Somebody has compiled a huge KMZ of all these footpaths here:

I understand Locus Map cannot work with a KMZ of this size (69MB)

Is it possible to convert this KMZ to an overlay which could be used in Locus Map? A vector format (e.g. MapsForge) would be best I guess.

I have spent many hours trying with MAPC2MAPC but with little success. Also it only creates raster maps from what i can see

Many thanks, Phil.

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Dear Phil,

well it would be probably possible to convert KMZ data into Mapsforge format but, it would be too complicated. It would required conversion KMZ into OSM format, to generate map and to create custom Mapsforge render theme. Please see following article where is described how to convert SHP file (the idea is similar to KMZ file) but it's quite tricky.

Please check John Thorn maps available in the Locus store. These maps combines free OS data with OSM data. Please open Menu > Store > search for 'JohnThornMaps' and check details of these maps. I think that these maps can be helpful.

Thanks, Petr

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