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Locus going to "pause" during track recording

pb194974 shared this problem 8 years ago


my name is Pierre and I'm quite new user.

My problem or question :

During recording my cycling track, Locus is going to "pause" after different length of time.

It could be after 1 hour or 2 hours or anything else...

I do not understand why it is pausing.

Could it be a problem in the parameters or something else?

My phone is HUAWEI HONOR7 with EMUI 4.0 and Actual version PLK-L01C432B330

Locus Map Pro : 3.17.0

Could you help me?

If you need more infos, please let me know

Kind regards.


From France.

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Replies (26)


Hi Pierre,

do you mean the recording is paused, i.e. interrupted and can be continued (like after pressing the orange pause button)? Or is the recording stopped and you have to start a completely new one?


Hi Michal,

It seems to be stopped as Locus propose to save the track recording.

May be I got a problem with the plastic case for my smartphone as the plastic can touch the smartphone screen.

The "Tactil Mode Desactivation" was OFF

I have to do some tests but it could take a long time.

Any suggestion about the different parameters for Bike recording?

Thanks for your quick answer.

Regards. Pierre


Plastic case should not be a problem. Nothing inside Locus is able to stop track recording autonomously. Something (or somebody) must trigger the STOP from outside.


Nobody touched my smartphone as it was in that plastic case on my bike.

I'll do some tests and come back to you




You know, every problem our users inform us about must be simulated, i.e. repeated on our own devices. This is not the case. Any more information or tests will help for sure.



I'm just back from a biking tour.

I started the Locus application and start the recording.I put the smartphone in my pocket and so it should go into "sleep mode" after 2 minutes as it is configured.

I really did not want to have any action on my smartphone during the whole biking tour.

So, arriving at home after 3h10, I press the power on button to awake my smartphone and get the Locus Application. I got a message in orange or red "a recording is in "Pause" and the Pause button is blue as if somebody pressed on it. This was absolutely impossible as I did not touch my smartphone during the complete tour.

The Locus appl has paused after 27,50 Kms

The appl is still in that "pause"state as may be you would like me to do some checking or special action on.

Please let me know what you want or what kind of informations you need.

Regards .



Hi Pierre,

just in case... do you have any battery saving mode in your phone? Is it active? If yes it is possible that it kills Locus in the background and after "waking up" it wakes also Locus which remembers it recorded a track during its last session. Weird is that it's killed after one hour of riding...


Out of curiosity, shouldn't locus continue in the state it previously was in? That is, if Android kills Locus while recording, shouldn't Locus continue recording and not fall into a Pause state?

Just wondering if this is a potential threat or just some intermittent data loss.



If Locus was killed and was restarted immediately, it goes on with recording. If it's restarted after some time (let's say an hour) it informs user that there is an unfinished recording and requires action - either unpause the recording or save the track.


Ok, sounds reasonable. Thanks :)


Hi, thank you for your answers.

Battery saving mode is "Intelligent": that means ajust automatically CPU and Network Utilisation

In Intelligent Saving Mode, you can choose :

- Performances : Ajust slightly CPU and Network Utilisation

- Intelligent : Ajust Automatically CPU and Network Utilisation

- Ultra : Just keep the base functions of calls and messages

Just to let you know : Locus is in "Protected Application Mode" : stay alive after screen goes in Sleep Mode

What can I do to help you


Okay, you could test two things:

1) set "Locus Map as a service" in menu > settings > miscellaneous


2) test it as it is without any saving mode on



Locus is already set as service.

For the Saving Mode, There is no possibility to put the Saving Mode Off(or I do not know how to do it),

I can just put Saving Mode to "Performances" which is the minimum Saving Mode.


okay, try this Performance mode.


If weather is OK tomorrow, i'll go for a bike tour

Coming back to you.


Hi, I'm back with some good and bad news.

So, as I told, I was biking 2 days ago and this time, everything was OK; The recording was completely successfull.

Total time : 3h38

Biking time : 3h15

Tour : 81,50 Kms

Average speed : 25,00 Kms/hour

Graphique : OK


Today, I had another biking tour and registered it.

I didn't touch the smartphone during the complete registering.

At arrival, I wake the smartphone up and put my password code(Screen lock Mode is set to "Code".

I got the same message : "a recording is in "Pause" and the Pause button is blue

I pressed Pause then Stop and I save the recording.

Total time : 3h26

Biking time : 3h26

Tour : 36,60 Kms

Average speed : 10,60 Kms/hour

Graphique : shows 36,60 Kms

I attached 2 file in the .zip file below

- 1 file .gpx

- 1 file .kmz

I don't know if this could help you.

Smartphone is protected by the "Screen Lock Mode" (I have to enter a 4 digit code to unlock it)

Battery Saving Mode set to "Performances"

Locus Application is "Protected"(program still alive when Smartphone is going to sleep mode)

Still waiting if you need more informations.




Hi Pierre,

we consulted your issue in a wider team and we can't find out why it happens. The only thing that could influence this is some sort of your system optimization - either battery, performance or memory. Do you use any memory or performance optimizing app?


I just use the Battery Saving Mode set to "Performances"(I do not know how to disactivate it)

I do not see any other performance optimizing application running on my smartphone

Let me know if you want me to check special parameters.




Well, you know, this is something outside Locus - we don't know how to help.


OK, thanks for helping me.

If you want to close this topic(or call), let me Know.

I'm looking towards Android and also my smartphone(Honor7)




Good day Mr. Salatin,

I've merged your topic into this one, as seems you are already a fourth person who reported same issue during last days. Also You are fourth person who has same troubles on Huawei device. Seems to be quite random effect - no one except you guys on Huawei devices, reported such problem.

Because there were no changes in system of track recording in Locus during last weeks, I'm more then sure, that it really have to be some, maybe hidden, optimisation settings directly in your device. Are you all sure, that there is no such settings?

We have discussed this problem in our small team, and unfortunately we see absolutely no reason, why such weird behavior should be caused by Locus itself.





thanks all for your answers.

I would like to know if it's possible to discuss with the 3 other people getting the same problem as I have.

Sombody of the Locus Staff could telle me how to get the e-mail addresses of the others; Off course I'm ready to give mine.If you have an idea to get the addresses without writing it in a comment here, please let me know.

Regards to all.



Good day Pierre,

if you don't mind, feel free to discuss directly here in this topic. Every message you wrote here, is visible to all people in this topic, and they also receive an notification about your post. So ideal please for a discussion ;).

Anyway quick search and seems you are not alone with this issue:

Seems that working solution based on discussion there, should be:

  • energy setting (turn to normal in phone manager)
  • enable Locus Map as protected app in he phone manager app
  • enable Google Services as protected app in he phone manager app (not sure if this is really needed)



Finaly found settings that can help for Honor / Huawei owners with EMUI 4.0

Settings / Apps / Advanced / Ignore Batery Otimization.

On top, change from Allowed to All apps. Find Locus Map, switch to Allowed.


Thanks Roman! Very much appreciated post.


Well, I tested few times, and problem not 100% solved.

Seems Locus stops recording is somehow linked with GPS position lost?


I didn't try it yet but I will do as soon as I'm back home.

A question to Roman : did you let all other applications as it was set by the installation.

I hope I'm clear enough!!!!


Pierre Bouffartigue


I only set Locus app + batery saving mode on "Performance"(?)

But it's not working for me.

Yesterday, cca 50 km and 2x Locus down = no icon on top left corner, not running.

After start through app icon, position located and Locus continue on recording.

Of course from stop to manual restart, direct line recorded.

This is really annoying.

Anybody has additional settings, even for other app / service, so this bug will be dolved for good?


Hello Roman,

issue that probably happen to your two weeks ago, way maybe because of "Record only when moving" settings in your profile. There were small issue in Locus 3.18.2 which is anyway solved in latest version.

Problem with killing Locus during usage, it's a different problem that is not on Locus side, I'm sure about that. I made everything possible to keep Locus alive as long as possible. If anyway Locus is killed (track recording icon is not visible in system bar anymore and Locus perform full initialization at start), it may be because of low memory (not case on modern devices too often), or because of some other tool that take care about battery optimizations on it's own. Some Antivirus, some battery monitors etc. Please try to temporary disable such programs if you use any, just for a testing.


I am on 3.18.4

2 days ago, 40km trip, Locus down on 32,5 km. When I was biking, mobile on back pocket, no manipulation with mobile.

Setup: Honor 6, H60-L12, ROM B856, Android 6, EMUI 4.0

Locus is running as service, Ignore Batery Optimization is ON.

Locus is protected app.

No additional batery optimization running.

ALL application are Protected now = all 95 apps are allowed to run after display off.

Phone set on Performance mode, most performance possible in setup.

As far as I know, there is nothing more in mobile setup to protect app more.

I do not understand, is this only me having this problem?

I accept that this problem is not on Locus side, but Locus is down, and I need Locus to run.

I am really desperate, since I like Locus a lot, I purchased PRO version, but this issue makes it impossible to use.


Good day Roman,

crazy race for Android improvements ... SD card, battery optimizations ... cannot say I see a benefit in one or second improvement :/.

Anyway quick search ...

Read mainly last post with

Edit 11.05

Finally after update to marshmallow there is one option to keep endomondo while workout. Under battery in right-up corner there is settings icon and there is option "close excessively power intensive apps running in the background" this option actually works fine.


Thanks for response. I know this setting, I have it off, so system should not close applications with "extensive" battery drain.

But in fact, it does. Again today, 50 km and Locus 2 times crashed.

There is new rom update available, I'll give it a try. But not ecpecting too much from it.

Seems I have to try different app for tracking my trips. Maybe it will be the same, don't know.


Hmm Roman, I'm sorry, but it looks for me really like a problem in this certain version of OS on your device. If you can, please try also different application. I'm curious how it will ends and to be true, I also little bit hope (because of me, not You of course), that other apps will have same issue, because I have absolutely no idea, what to do in case, it will be Locus only issue ...


I tried this solution. It seems to me that it works well. Thank you.



i'm back and I tried several times to record Bike tours and each time the recording stopped after variable distances.

To Menion : You said some times ago, " you really hope this problem occurs also with other applications!

Could you tell which applications we could try.

To be direct, i'm a little bit upset with the LocusPro application as I really cannot trust the recording!!!

Best regards to everybody.



Good day Pierre,

I'm really sorry to hear this. Unfortunately all precious information we placed to this manual page: . One more interesting information may be found here as well , maybe it will be useful.

Otherwise I'm sorry, but I have currently no idea how may I help here more. May an older version of Locus Map helps You? Probably not ...


Hi everybody

Today I did a bike tour(around 90 kms)

I recorded my tour without any change in the parameter except the time delay to set the smartphone in standby.

I set the time delay to "never"

That means the screen is always on and uses more power on the battery.

BUT the recording has been COMPLETE.

So it seems Locuspro stopped recording as the smartphone was in standby(I mean screen display off).

Hear you soon


Le 24 août 2016 1:15 PM, "Locus Map" <> a écrit :


Good evening Peirre,

screen turned on is very probably perfect cure on this problem. Unfortunately battery capacity is too low for such high consumption.

During last weeks, more and more people complain because of similar troubles like You and we still unsure in some cases. So there definitely have to be something we or users may do, but we are still unsure what. Sorry


Hello, back with my findings.

I was checking my old recordings, and first problems I had in october 2015.

I tested everything, changed different ROMs, now I am back on Andorid 4.4.2, EMUI 3.0, which worked before.

First, I just tested Locus tracking in work, profile walk, and in-out of buildings = loosinf and getting back GPS, no problem and 7 hrs recorded. I was in car, sitting on office, moving outside.

But on MTB trip, Locus again stoped, no reason. Only 30 km, and it stoped cca 10 km after start.

I am really desperate now, trying everything with ROM, mobile settings etc.

Only option left is to go back and try OLD version of Locus, from first half of 2015.

Is it possible?

Where to download instalation package?

I want to keep my PRO licence of course, and block all updates.

Thanks for feedback.


Good day Roman,

I thought you already have solved your issue: , or not?

I was just solving similar problem and in the end we found, that user was using "GPS auto-off" feature in Locus settings > GPS & location. Isn't it also your case?

Also you wrote that Locus "stopped". This means that when you turned on your device screen, Locus was running but recording was paused? Or Locus was not running at all and you saw just a starting of app with small loading dialog?

I may send you older version, this won't be a problem.

EDIT: discussion moved to separate topic


I have solved


I have solved the problem in my huawei P8. But the upgrade to android 6 EMUI 4.1 hah caused the problem again. Locus pro is set as service and battery manager I set on "performance". Anybody help me? Thanks



this is very serious problem caused by over-optimized modified version of Huawei devices. Just today I've posted question on famous developer server if anyone won't have perfect solution on this issue, but seems not. Anyway please wait on new version that will be published probably this week. I've made some changes that may help in this case. Thank you and sorry for complications.


I know it's been a while, but in case this helps anyone else.

Another Huawei user who hopefully had the same problem using an Huawei Honor 9 Lite and may have fixed my problem. I'd tried much of the above but a relatively short test suggests the following may assist:

Settings > Battery > Launch > Select Locus and change to Manage Manually and in particular, ensure that Run in background is enabled (I suspect neither Auto-Launch or Secondary Launch is needed).

In my case what I found was that once I turned off the screen for a while, once I used the fingerprint sensor to turn it back on, Locus was no longer 'in focus', i.e. I had to Open it again. I think doing the above has possibly fixed that.



I've been having this problem with my Samsung Galaxy S4 for some time.

When checking my phone I'll randomly see that the track record icon has disappeared from the notification bar.

Going into Locus it reports that track recording is paused, so I tap the pause button and it carries on.

It’s a little frustrating as I’ve lost large blocks of tracks because of this.

I’ve tried all the tricks suggested e.g. running Locus Map as a service etc but but none work.

Any ideas please?



fact that the recording icon is not visible in system bar means only: Locus Map is not running. Please check possible cases for this problem in our manual, hope something from mentioned information may help you.


Once I've started track recording from the widget the icon in the notification bar appears and I lock the phone.

It may not misbehave for a week or so and then without reason when I unlock the phone I'll find the icon has gone and on opening Locus Map it says that track recording has been paused?

I've been through all the information in the link you gave but there's nothing that would help my issue.

I have another GPS logger that I can run which always runs perfectly, but I much prefer Locus.

I guess I'll just have to live with it for the time being and hopefully the problem will dissapear when I next move to a new phone.

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