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Locus (Pro) hangs when importing a waypoint which already is in the database.

siggel shared this problem 9 years ago

Locus (Pro) hangs when importing a waypoint which already is in the database. I try selecting "overwrite" but the GUI doesn't react at all. A moment after leaving Locus via Home button there is a system message that Locus doesn't react anymore.

Replies (8)


After last update


Hello siggel and Nuno,

did anyone from you tried latest Beta version of Locus? Because I'm not able to reproduce this problem on own devices, I did a small change in code with hope, it will help.

If anyone wants to try, how to get beta version is here:


I installed the beta version and tried the import again - no problem with that one. However trying it again with Locus Pro (3.15.3) the problem also disappeared.

So: the beta works fine but I'm not sure if the problem had disappeared before unknowingly, e.g. I had recently refreshed the cache waypoint in the DB instead of importing it.

Menion, thanks for pointing me to the beta test group, I'll be happy to help with test results.


Hello, in my phone this problem only occurs when i try download several pocketquerys 10 or more, in last versions this procedure works very well. I didn't try yet in beta version.

Thanks for the good work


Hello, the problem is worst now:

(My language locus are portuguese)

If i wanto to import 10 pocket querys from :

More Functions-Ferramentas de geocaching-Carregar Pocket Querys

if the folder have old points it hangs in the start.

If the folder are cleaned it hangs ramdonly at 4000 or 6000 points.

If i copy the pocket querys for phone, and then import from the points-importar, no problem !

Sory my poor english


Good day Nuno,

quite complicated task to solve in your case. What exactly happen with device during/after import? You see message that "Locus was terminated" or just "Locus is not responding - wait"? If "wait" option, did you tried to leave Locus for a while? What about geocaching waypoints, do you have enable in settings some auto-loading?


Hello, Locus just not responding, i leave it for a long while but nothing hapens, showing the message 'A Importar' no animation, in settings auto-loading enable or disable it's the same in this process.


Sigh, I'm really worried that such specific use case will be almost impossible to solve.

Is anyone else suffering because of this stuck during import? I tried it few times on two devices and unfortunately no problem on my side.

In this case, I may only suggest import PQ files one by one or disable "check for duplicates" in settings, so there won't be any dialog that ask "overwrite?". Also if Locus is stuck and error dialog appear, is there an option to send a error message? If so, did you tried it? Try it please once more with next Locus version 3.16.2 (release within next days) next time and add there some comment so I may find it.

Thank you and sorry for a troubles!


Hello, with version 3.16.2, no problem at all, i tried two times, and the import of the pocket querys runs very well. Thanks !


I'm really happy for it. I found small issue with drawing images during import! which caused this issues (probably). Points tried to access database during import which caused this stuck.

Perfect! Sorry for a complications and thanks for confirmation.

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