Locus Map with Google Android Auto?

Bernd Attlfellner shared this question 7 years ago

Works Locus Pro with Android Auto or is just Google Maps possible

Replies (31)


This would be very good indeed, or even MirrorLink?


Dear Peter.

Thank you for your email.

Unfortunately, so far we have no experience with Android Auto. In case you have a possibility to try Locus in Android Auto, please, try it. We will be happy for your feedback.

In case of other questions, please contact me.

Kind regards



Android Auto requires the app to be supported, so far a very short list in the Play store but growing. Don't know how you would get Locus supported.....


I hope Locus will some day provide Android Auto compatibility. It would be awesome!

If needed, I can test with my car and provide screencasts, but initial implementation from Locus must be done.


I would also be able to help test. Waze & Google maps work well with Android Auto, the usefulness of Locus is reduced by its lack of AA support (my phone isn't even visible when driving).


I have some limited functionality with Locus Pro and Android Auto. Sort of...

If I start Locus (as a service) before plugging my phone into the car's USB, I can still get back to Locus after AA fires up and takes over the phone screen.

So when I want to drive to a waypoint I just select it in Locus as I have always done. Select Navigation Apps and then Google Maps. This is pretty much how I normally do driving directions with Locus. With AA running, the phone shows a very short message that it can't display Maps while AA is running. But it passes the location to AA and AA starts navigating to my waypoint on the big car screen.


Select Navigation Apps and then Google Maps
I can't see what I'm typing but hopefully you can explain the Googlke Maps bit...


Must Google not give permission to LocusMap to work this out? This is the issue for Sygic too,



I found this site which explains the rules to follow and the method to distribute the Locus application in Android-Auto. Follow this link :

Maybe it will bring water to the mill !?


There are some tools available to use almost all apps with Android Auto.

You can find more info here:

It's working find with most phones and cars, but requires a rooted phone


I hadn't heard of "AA STREAM" but apart from needing a rooted phone it's trivial to set up, hopefully, I won't have any issues longer-term but initial testing was great.


Personally I am using AA-Mirror since it came out, and it's working great for me.

Once in a while Google is making life a little difficult, but until now all issues and restrictions haven been overcome.

Glad, I was able to help!


Hello guys,

I'm monitoring news around the Android Auto system, but when we think what to do next, we still give priority to features related to hike&bike. So sorry, there is still (late 2019) very low priority for this system. Thanks for understanding.



Just to add my opinion on this.

I would not use Locus for daily road navigation.

But for 4x4 drive, or navigating to the departure of a planned hike or run or ski touring or..... I would "kill" to use locus on the car 12" screen 😂😉.


If your focus is on cycling and walking. Why does the planner have the option to create car routes?


Hi guys, if you are interested in this functionality, give a vote to this topic. Most probably, I'll have access to the Android auto system at the start of next year, so, because of my own curiosity, there is a high chance I'll at least try to look at the options ...


30 likes already, that is a LOT in Locus terms .... (I mean compared to other ideas)


Hello Guys,

I have been using Locus Map for the last 3 years offroading. I have almost purchased and tried all the offroad maps apps on playstore and the only one I use is Locus map pro. We do offroad driving and not trekking, we use APRS to locate each other which Locus support. So far I know more than 100 people purchased your product. New cars come with Android Auto builtin. If you provide android auto support, Locus Map would be I think the only offroad map product on playstore. The users will stop buying tab to have it installed in their cars to use. Just suggestion if you may consider adding this feature ASAP


I agree that Android Auto support would be awesome. Locus Map is, by far, the best out there, I'm at a bit of a loss to understand why you'd choose to deliberately turn away such a huge potential customer base. Frankly, I don't use Locus much any more as most of the use I need is in the car; I've had to turn to inferior apps.


Hello Dirk,

thank you for your compliment about Locus Map, appreciate it!

The problem with many very interesting features is, that they are too far away from the main purpose of this app we try to create. We try to be environmental friendly a help people to discover the beauty of nature and not to primary sit in the car :).

Well, and more important reason is that we are a too tiny team, that such a feature is simply not in our powers.

In case, you have no other usage for Locus Map than a car, then I believe you will find a lot better app for this use-case. Enjoy your trips!



Hi Menion, I fully understand your answer, however... (there's always a however), I do use Locus maps with my car to ride some trails up to the point where I park and keep walking or biking with my child, fully respecting nature and your view. As long as you considered the market, its your decission and so far its a great product, but please take into account when deciding that A)People tend to be lazy and many will resort to google maps or other products if they can start with those apps right from home, and B)With new adventure motorbikes supporting android or carplay I personally think there is an important market of thousands of Garmin users (I used a garmin before switching to locus). Kind regards, David


Hi Menion, I use Locus in the car for advanture driving and enjoy the landscapes from mountains, deserts to beaches. As we all have either Google maps or car navigation, but I always have my tab with Locus map to enjoy satellite maps and create my tracks and have more control on journey. It would be more safer to focus on one screen instead two screens while driving. And having Locus run on Android Auto will certainly make my life much easier. If it is implemented, I am sure you will have more usages for security and military purposes.




Locus map can be used offline. And I only have 50 MB of mobile data on my smartphone.


Long time user here adding a plea to support Android Auto! I use Locus when walking and when riding trail bike. When my car had an Android head-unit, I used to use it there as well. Now with a new car, it has Android Auto. I'd like to use the same nav app for walking, riding, and driving off road. It is a pity that users are encouraged to look for another app just because they've got in a car. Thanks.


I think that the problem is that Google not allow it (not yet)


I agree, it would be nice to have this on Android auto. I usually drive a lot 4x4 roads to go hiking or camping, and Google maps it's no as good as locus maps, but I'll rather have it running on my car screen than in my phone.


As already written, Locus is an outdoor app and not for the car. If the developers no longer know what to do, then you can take care of it. But at the moment they have much more important tasks. There is a great connection from Locus to google Maps. Maps is a great car app.

When I go hiking, look for a parking space near my route at Locus and share it with Google Maps. Then I drive to the parking lot with maps. Then Locus takes over again and I hike.


Very strange, if it not a app for a car, why can you make a route for a car? Why can you choice car by record?

Google Maps is not so good with Point of Intrests and the map layer like open street map.


Hi guys,

freischneider is correct for now. From some quite old statistics, we know that around 25% of users, use Locus Map in the car. But ... it's "only" 25%. Android Auto is quite a big task and we, because of limited time resources, have to choose priorities. And priorities for us are more and more "hike & bike" tasks. That's a fact that won't change.

I'm not saying "never", because it looks like a really really interesting area, but not in the nearest year(s), sorry.


I'm new to your product. I respect your road map, so it's good to have some visibility about feature prioritization; however, despite having old statistics, the user feedback isn't very welcomed; rather, some replies are dismissive. So thanks, Menion, for your kind reply.


Maybe 100% of the Geocachers would like Locus Maps Pro in their Android Auto App on the big Display of the car - to see if there is a Geocache nearby, or to route to the next Parking Place of a Geocache and so on ;-)


Now the first motorbikes start to support Android Auto, it was just announced for the Honda Africa Twin .

I use Locus on a tablet for adventure riding and I am a mostly happy user since many years.

If one day it will be possible to buy a motorbike which has a large enough screen and the connectivity to run Locus it would be awesome


I your phone is rooted, there are apps which allow to mirror the phone screen to Android Auto.

See here for details


Sorry, but as i read this i although think it would be a great deal to have Locus Pro on your Android Auto Display - mainly for Geocaching to route fast from one Geocacheparkingplace to the next ... not only offroad. IMHO i think you should be the first to do this, an the Market is yours. I use Locus Maps Pro since years and i wish to have it in my car


Gaia GPS,, and Sygic all now work on Android Auto, with Gaia in particular providing some excellent worldwide and regional topographic and outdoor sources and supporting its excellent worldwide maps. OsmAnd is expected shortly. Locus support would still be very, very welcome.


I looked at "Gaia GPS" on the play store (, it doesn't mention Android Auto. Is this is Alpha or Beta testing?


Beta. I'm sorry to have forgotten to mention that:

"Gaia GPS in Android Auto is now available for beta testing!

You will be able to:

  • Display your active map layers on the Android Auto screen
  • Zoom in and out and toggle course-up mode
  • View a list of your drivable Saved Routes
  • Follow turn-by-turn directions for the selected Saved Route

If you'd like to try it, join the beta program here.

You can find more details in the Help Center here: Gaia GPS and Android Auto "


Gaia Android Auto support is now out of Beta.

For those not familiar with Gaia, it is a feature-rich app with hopeless UI convolutions. It has some useful and interesting map sources, so I resort to it now and then, but has been far from being in my top tier of map apps. Android Auto support will change that, but only until a fully competent app with decent topo maps and pre-planned tracks becomes available. OpenTopoMap on my dash has been a real treat.


Locus Map in Android Auto integriert, das wäre auf unseren 4x4 Touren mehr als hilfreich. Wir verbinden Outdooraktivitäten mit Offroadaktivitäten und es gibt eine große Gemeinde, die gleiches tut. Schade, dass jetzt auf gerootete Geräte sowie alternative Apps verwiesen wird.


I like this idea, Because Locus Map is for my the only app. Where you can easy add waypoints and to navigate to it.


+1 when possible.

Menion: 4x4 offroad is an intensive outdoor activity also, and not only "use of Locus in the car".

And Locus is superb fot 4x4 (with some minor upgrades that are in the Forum and here at Help Desk).


Für mich wäre das auch interessant, weil ich da auch meine Karten habe die ich gerne auch im Auto nutzen will.




I use Locus for all the primary purposes; hiking/geocaching, biking, plus kayaking. But ALL of those activities involve driving to a start point. Locus makes it SO easy to set up waypoints, trails, tracks and even river/lake access points, plus mark amenities and avoidances. Locus becomes the central repository for our trips and activities. Having Locus send a trailhead or access waypoint to Google/Android Auto works well but Google does not make it easy to drive offline when we hit the true wilderness areas with no cell signal. Locus becomes my 'backup' auto navigator if I happen to miss downloading a patch of wilderness area map tile in Google.

Locus is the best and most versatile tool for our outdoor activities. Lack of resources to support Android Auto is not a deal breaker for me. But it sure would be nice.


There are now Android Auto Motorcycle units, this would be amazing option to have it work. Only thing missing for an excellent application. If the developer is willing I might be interested in sponsoring this feature financially.


I fully agree to that. I am thinking of replacing my G*rmin Zumo with an remote AA display. Onroad G**gle might be suitable, but as soon as you leave paved roads Locus is the better choice.


I'm using Locus Map Pro since multiple years for geocaching, it's really great. It's also great to show OSM maps, that are in my opinion a lot better than google maps.

Since I will get soon a car with Android Auto it would be very great to be able to display these very informative OSM maps and the geocaches with Locus Map if it would support Android Auto.

In addition, I beleive, that Android Auto will be available for more and more cars (and motorcycles). Locus Map support for these would be great!


It is overdue - and the Locus positioning based excuses do not hold, as this thread shows.


Píše se rok 2023. Stále platí, že Locus nikdy nebude mít podporu AA? Mám předplatné Gold, ale nebránil bych se ani předplatnému "diamond", pokud bych mohl můj oblíbený Locus používat i v autě.


Zdravím Pavle,

tohle je pořád pro nás takový ten "nice to have" projekt. Tedy bylo by fajn to mít, Locus JE v autech používám, ale je nás málo a veškerý možný čas upíráme stále primárně na turistiku a cyklistiku. Tedy rozhodně ani nechci říkat "nikdy" protože bych sám rád na tomhle začal pracoval, žel zatím ... pardón.


Hi Menion, do you think about to reconsider your decision regarding that Android Auto, because there are more and more Android Auto systems available on motorcycles like the Honda Africa twin and others and also on several Aftermarket navigation devices like that on the link below

It would be great to avoid mounting Android phones and tablets onto the motorcycle because they got damaged very fast due to the vibrations

Thanks, Tom

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